Saturday, October 11, 2014

What If vs What's Next

So, last night, I got a nifty email from The Nest, saying that they are changing up our websites! I believe the new fun stuff will be happening and shown sometime on Monday! How exciting is that? 

I cannot wait to move in 27 days! 

Today, I am going to do my first Spreecast with my team! So, that's exciting, too! I have so much going on in my life in my head that I am overflowing with excitement, which, also translates to STRESS for me, but it's a good stress, yet stress, nevertheless! 

I have so much coming up with my team, Charmed & Dangerous, at the end of November! Nothing like jumping in with both feet, at a run! I love it!

I hope you are busy, too! It keeps the "unknown" scariness away! You don't have any "what if" if you are full of "what's next?"

Talk later!!

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

October Rush!

Today, I have so much going on in my mind and it's all good! My husband just put our 30 days notice in for releasing our house, since he's getting out of the Marine Corps, so we have our inspection dates and check out times... I have jewelry bars going and I have the best team in the world!

So, this month will be us running around, trying to pack and clean and get a truck reserved for moving and drive across the country and then I get to love on my team from home in Missouri!

I know this one isn't very long, but we are booked with all good things! Catch you on the flip side! Oh yeah, our Holiday Line comes out on October 16th!
                                                                                                  <3 Jessica

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Someone Needs Me

God put me on this earth to help those who need it. Tomorrow, I will be out of the office, taking a personal day and celebrating life with those around me. If you need me, you may absolutely message me, but I may not get in touch with you until Monday! I love you all! Have a great Sunday! You are more than welcomed to play the games posted and place lots of orders on any of the parties! 
(I will not be offended! Lol.)

                                         <3 Jessica

Thursday, October 2, 2014

What Speaks To Your Soul?

It's important to give yourself time to do the things that speak to your soul. What speaks to you on that level? 

Recently, I have been talking a lot to a friend who wants to join my Origami Owl team and we talk about all kinds of things, all the time. She has HORSES! I cannot wait to get there so I can get to know her's and be able to get back in the saddle. 

When I was a kid, I grew up with horses. My horse's name was Ginger and it got to the point in about 8th grade that I could even ride her bareback. Riding a horse speaks to my soul. It's true freedom and happiness. The smell of hay, sweet grain and leather is the best smell in the world. Even better? Mix that with rain and the sound of it hitting a tin roof.

I cannot wait to get back so that I can be all of me again. I can't wait to get back to the me I was before I was everyone else. 

If you don't understand what I mean by that, read more of my blog.

Since childhood, the only thing that speaks to my soul, truly, is business and helping other people. I guess that's why Origami Owl spoke so enchantingly to me. I truly love them and everything they represent. 

I will post pictures as soon as I can, of me and my friend Amber riding. I can't wait for that rush again. That's true freedom.

<3 Jessica