Saturday, October 11, 2014

What If vs What's Next

So, last night, I got a nifty email from The Nest, saying that they are changing up our websites! I believe the new fun stuff will be happening and shown sometime on Monday! How exciting is that? 

I cannot wait to move in 27 days! 

Today, I am going to do my first Spreecast with my team! So, that's exciting, too! I have so much going on in my life in my head that I am overflowing with excitement, which, also translates to STRESS for me, but it's a good stress, yet stress, nevertheless! 

I have so much coming up with my team, Charmed & Dangerous, at the end of November! Nothing like jumping in with both feet, at a run! I love it!

I hope you are busy, too! It keeps the "unknown" scariness away! You don't have any "what if" if you are full of "what's next?"

Talk later!!

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