Jessica Starwalt

Hello everyone!
            I am Jessica Starwalt and I am your friendly neighborhood Origami Owl Living Lockets lady!

I live in California for now, with my husband, Orion, whom also sells O2 and he is wonderful. We have no kids and don't plan to have them, though they would be a blessing if the situation arose. We do have two spoiled dogs that we treat like our babies. Nigel and June Bug are their names and they make my world go around. 

We are getting ready to get out of the military lifestyle and transition back into civilian living. I'm so excited!
So, Origami Owl has a thing with goals. When Bella was 14, she started Origami Owl because her goal was a car when she turned 16. So, everyone who starts Origami Owl is often asked about their "why". 

My "why" is because my passion is business (and shopping!). Also, my husband and I need to buy a house and I want to be able to help with that. This is the one we want!! I'm so excited! 
I also want to go back to college to be a Psychology major with a specialization in Social Work. I just want to help people.

I am already writing my first book. It is a series of letters to people who feel like misfits in this world because, I have felt like a misfit for most of my life. 

That's why I love Origami Owl. We, as Designers, love each other. We love the company we work with and the company loves and supports us. 

If you're interested in ordering, booking a party OR joining my team, I would be MORE than happy to talk to you and answer any questions you may have. I'm not pushy and there is no obligation to do anything. You will learn more and more about me as time goes by! I want to learn more about you, too!
                                                          Much Love!

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