Saturday, April 25, 2015

Why Join The Sparkling Hooters Team?

Jessica, why should I join the Sparkling Hooters team?

I can't believe it is already the 25th of April!

Where is the year going?!

I have been so busy with Origami Owl, writing my book and reading... I have also been designing my garden and working on my house. I am working on a great life, here!

I love working with Origami Owl! The company is AMAZING. They had an internet platform change that threw a lot of things off in the last couple of months. Now, they are making up for it! I knew they would. They always give us more than we deserve. 

They are giving us promotions, starting now, where we can make bonuses for the next few months, by just doing what we were doing, anyway. It's amazing!

I get to work from wherever I am... Including my bed, when I'm sick, anywhere there is wifi or I have data coverage on my phone, when I'm running errands! I love working for myself! I choose my hours and I can come and go, as I please. There is nothing more freeing than that!

So, you want to know about the team I'm on... Well, my small team (Charmed & Dangerous) is an offset of an amazing BIG team called Sparkling Hooters...

I am on Jill McCarthy's team, Sparkling Hooters and it is the most amazing group of people! We are a no negativity group who take charge and find solutions, rather than exacerbating problems. We are all over the USA and Canada, we hold each other up, pray for and send positive vibes to each other, wish each other luck, love on and cheer each other on, every step of the way. 

We have our own Charm School, as a new or "seasoned" Designer, every month, where we learn about ourselves, set goals, learn tips and tricks of the business and get the motivation we need to keep up the pace, or just get a business re-boost. As a leader, you can help with Charm School by teaching all the great things you have learned along the way and help cheer on those going through it to learn... And, you just may learn a few things, yourself! 

We have a group that allows future Designers to join to see how we work together, learn who we are and what Origami Owl and the Sparkling Hooters are all about. It is AMAZING because we can help you grow your team! I am actually the admin on that group, so I can say with confidence... It's awesome. But, maybe I'm biased. Along with the group, Jill also does Opportunity Nights once or twice a month, on a webcast format, (Where we can see and hear her, but she can't hear or see us.) and we invite our future Designers and they can get on the chat and ask Jill questions and we dance and have a LOT of fun. 

We are well trained. Once we join, we have different groups for our own graphic designs, to stay healthy, to stay motivated, a Leaders page and weekly team webcasts with Jill! 

In case you don't know who "Jilleysue" is, her name is Jill McCarthy and she is AMAZING. She is a social media rockstar, living in Florida with the cutest dogs (besides mine!) and rocking her businesses! Yes, more than one! She is one of the busiest people I have ever met and she is living the dream, one day at a time. I aspire to be like her.

She and so many others have already helped me to become who I am. 

When I was diagnosed with my mental illness, I was strong, but I also fell apart. When everything you thought you knew goes down the drain, that happens. But, joining this particular team with these people have inspired me in so many areas of my life. Business, personal, financial, emotional, spiritual, health... No area has been left untouched. I am truly thankful for my Owl family and I would like to give them a warm "hoot hoot"! 

Some times, you touch people's lives and you don't even know it. So, thank you Tammy Leatherby, Anna Dean, Sonya Marchetta, and last but not least, Jill McCarthy. I know I am leaving some out, but there are so many. I learn from all of my Sparkling Hooters family and am grateful to all of you. 

So, if you're thinking about joining, that's why you should choose us. We make each other better. We are family.

And, I'm not even going to tell you about the annual Convention shenanigans... You'll have to find out after you join us! ;)

Talk to you soon!

Jessica Starwalt - ID# 12588973 to join or shop to "like" and talk to me!

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