Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Be the Exception until it's the Rule!

Today, I got up, showered, dressed, coffee and set out to Target, because I had a gift card. I LOVE gifts cards to ANYWHERE. Seriously. They make me WAY happier than they should. Lol.

I went there and got new stationary and thank you cards. (I also love sending snail mail to people!) I bought the cards and then, handed the gift card to the lady behind me when I was finished and told her to keep whatever was left on it. Her face just lit up and smiled and she said "well thank you!" and the cashier let out a sweet "AWW!" I was taken aback. I do things like that a lot, so it didn't occur to me that this is the exception and not the rule... At first, I felt thankful that I have a heart for others, but then I started feeling sad.

Being kind and giving is the EXCEPTION! That should not be. I would have given that lady my CAR if I didn't need it. I would give her my shoes and I didn't even know her. It makes me sad to know that people don't truly care about others, very often. It's a shame.

I don't have my life completely together, quite obviously, but I love to make other people smile. So, now I'm wondering what types of things do you do to make other people smile? I would love to hear them in the comments. And, no, this is not about bragging on yourself. This is giving people who may not know what to do, some ideas. (And, me, too! I can always use more ideas!)

This is very important to me and part of the LOVE Revolution! Talk to me in the comments! What can we do to make this a better, sweeter place to live? Let's hear your ideas!

Talk to you soon!!


1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hey, Jessica. I love the idea of random acts of kindness. I enjoy doing anything I can to help out anyone who I think may need a helping hand. It is as simple as offering rides to those who don't have transportation, or offering to babysit (usually for friends or family since strangers would really think that is weird). Offer to buy the coffee of the person behind you at Starbucks, or buy a friend a much needed gift to lift their spirits. Keep up the great work, and the wonderful Blog! <3