Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Find Your Happy!

Hello, my friends!

I hope you all are doing wonderfully! It is Wednesday and I am excited and ready to work, today! I love the fact that I can go anywhere, do anything and still do my job. I also love that, while doing my job, I can do my hobby, which is talking about mental illness and bringing awareness to end the stigma and shame associated with an illness over which you have no control.

It would be like shaming a person because they have cancer. They didn't ask for it. It just happened upon them and it's their turn to fight. They don't need a whole lot more than that and they just fight because there is only one other option. That is the same with mental illness. We ALL have days when we don't want to do ANYTHING. We all have days when we just want to wallow in self pity and I think a day of that is just fine, every once in a while. Heck, I think a day of that for anyone, for ANY reason is just fine! Car broke down? Go ahead. Have a pity party. Broke a nail? That HURTS! So, I understand wallowing for a bit. 

But, there comes a time, in ALL trials, where you just have to decide to be happy again, no matter the circumstance.

So choose. Be happy or be miserable. It all takes the same amount of life. You just get more life out of being happy. I promise.

Origami Owl's theme for our annual Convention is Find Your Happy, this year.  I am working toward going because it is so near, but I am afraid I won't have the funds. My husband and I just bought a house and I need a car and bills and all of that are piling up. (Side note, I don't know WHO let me "adult", but I'm pretty sure I want to return that gift. Haha.) So, I think I'm going to have to miss out on finding my happy. But, that's okay. I already found mine. It's you. It's life, in general. It's blue skies and sunlight, but it's also grey skies and raindrops. You find the most happy when you give yourself permission to be happy, no matter the circumstance. 

Train yourself to find the silver lining and you will find it there, most of the time. A truly happy person will even create their own glimmer when they can't find one already there. THAT is called being a leader. Press on when it looks bleak and show others how to do it, as well. That is how I find my happy. So, today, I am designing my locket to have my favorite things. Plain and simple. 

My Dogs
My Love For You

What would your locket have in it, for YOUR favorite things?

Find your happy, everyone! It's so worth it.

Love you all,

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