Wednesday, November 19, 2014

It's Been So LONG!

Hello Hello!!

It has been the LONGEST month or so! We have moved back home to Missouri, from California and my husband is on what they call "Terminal Leave" from the military. It's been a week and he is going stir crazy. He has been on call for 24 hours a day for 5 years, so not having anything to do is driving him crazy and I don't blame him.

Next week is Thanksgiving and BLACK FRIDAY! Yes! My favorite holiday! The only thing I will be buying this year is a set of sheets, though, so we can save money for buying a house!

I am happy to say that I have gotten back into writing and listening to what my soul needs and wants, which is to help people!

Things have been just so busy, but that's okay! I am determined to get my 4 in home Jewelry Bars booked and completed before the end of the month or I have to KISS A BUNNY!

Now, you need to understand my fear of all things that hop... So sinister and unpredictable. I just barely got out of them making me kiss a frog! (Dodged THAT bullet!) The deal is that if they do the goals I have given THEM, and I don't get the Jewelry Bars booked, Each one that did their's get the video of me kissing this terrible creature.

So...... I am looking for 4 special people who want to earn some FREE jewelry! Haha.

Anyway, I guess I'll stop now. I am talking to a dear friend, Kris and my husband is hungry. (And my coffee is cold! Ahh!)

Life, right?!

Love you all!!

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