Sunday, November 30, 2014

I Can and I Will

Last night was sort of hard for me. I am only human and I suppose that IS my saving grace, but I started to doubt myself as a leader, as a friend. Sometimes my mind overreacts (Just ask my husband, he'll tell you. Haha.) and I just question every decision I've ever made and it makes me sad and upset and now, I'm over it. 

It's a BRAND NEW DAY and my team is wonderful, my family is coming home from vacation today and my dog loves me! I have an absolutely wonderful husband who adores me and I have a young, thriving (for a young) business! 

I guess what I'm saying is... There is no room for fear. There is no room for doubt. If we all just try our best to stay in motion, going forward, we CAN be successful. And, I'm telling you right now, I WILL. I may fail along the way, but that's just part of the process. 

So, to other leaders of teams.... Read a book that will help you understand other personalities. I suggest First Steps to Wealth by Dani Johnson; everyone should actually read it! Think about the positive ways you can impact your team and NEVER STOP TRYING.

To the teams... Do your very best, as if your future wealth depends on it because it very well may! Never waste an opportunity to gather with your team, however they do it and communicate, be encouraged and never feel silly for asking a question! 

Love you all!
Jessica Starwalt

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