Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Are You A Success?

We have talked about success before. Do you consider yourself a success, a failure or somewhere in between?

Well, let me tell you that if you know you are not a failure, then you are somewhere in between. Success take work, time and each and every one of us is ALWAYS under construction. Success INCLUDES failure. You have to be willing to fail in order to succeed. It's all about how you deal with each failure, depending on which way you will go; success or failure. 

So, this is your chance. If you have failed, GET UP! Admit failure, but NEVER defeat. Keep going. If you have an idea, write it down. Then, think about it. Revise your plan. Then, revise again. Try it. Then, revise again. Fail. REPEAT. Once you find the right timing, prototype, schedule, people, finances (whatever is holding you back!), then you will succeed at that idea!

The best part? NEVER STOP! Once you have mastered your idea, think of another and build onto it. Never just settle for being "good" at something because someone else will always be right behind you and if you stop, they won't. 

So, get up. Get a notebook and write. That's your first step: write, write and write some more. Draw it out. Start an inspiration board. 

Most importantly, when you feel like it's overwhelming you, sit down, take a breath, have a cup of coffee (with your favorite creamer! Currently, mine is White Chocolate Raspberry!). Then, write down all the things that made you start loving your idea in the first place. Look at your inspiration board and you could even change some of your board. Never stop changing, but always go for your dreams. 

It's your choice.... Success or failure?

Love you all!

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