Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Basket of Happy!

Hello all and good morning, BARELY! 20 minutes to go! I just woke up because I spent so much time last night, worrying over my husband's interview today AND watching a city about 30 miles away, burn itself down. How terrible. I must admit, the way that my brain works, all I could think of were jokes about it because that is how I cope. You all know about the disorder, or whatever, and my brain just has dealt with so much bad in my life that now when something bad is happening, it doesn't feel real and it feels like I'm making fun of a movie. It's awful. It didn't even hit me that this was real until they said someone had been shot. 

My husband was even up there. It just didn't seem real. I must be terrible. Anyway, I'll be honest here, because I hope you all forgive me. I was trying to act in love, but I was also medicated and a lot of things seemed funny. Anyway, I feel bad for all the business owners and feel like in all of this mess, we have forgotten the original issues. And that makes me sad. Many have ruined Mike Brown's name and legacy. So sad today.

Anyway, that's all about that! 

I sent out a LOT of HAPPY today! Want to see? I spent time doing this last night as I watched Ferguson burn down and eating pork rinds, of ALL things. I didn't even know I LIKED pork rinds. Apparently, I am very stressed about something. I still don't know if I like them. Lol.

Here is a basket of happy last night! 

And here it is, just waiting for the mailman! I'm so excited!

Find my fanpage on Facebook! https://www.facebook.com/jstarwaltOO 

Like it and stay tuned to find out how to shop my Small Business Saturday SALE!

Love you all! Sorry for my defense and coping mechanisms, Ferguson!


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