Friday, November 21, 2014

Robin Hood, The Disney Version!

Today, I am snuggled on my parents' couch with my dogs, a cold, my laptop, a cup of coffee and a box of Kleenex. Robin Hood, the best version (the Disney version) is on the television.

I have decided today I will make contacts to at least three people I haven't talked to in a month AND I will make my own, original graphics. Goodness knows, I have so many sayings I could put on a graphic. Haha. (They may not all make sense, but that may be just me! Lol)

I am getting ready to write on all of my blogs today, as I do have more than one and I do SO love to write. I am working on my novel and my "Letters to Misfits" book.

My life is pretty great right now. I am in LOVE with my job. (Thank you, Origami Owl!) I am in LOVE with my husband and we are looking at houses to buy! Life is looking pretty positive right now and it feels so great not to have to go back to California!

I am absolutely so excited to know that, since I lost my insurance from my husband getting out of the military, that I can obtain insurance though Origami Owl! How amazing is that?!

So, I have a lot to do, but it seems to be all good things, including mailing out the things I have set aside for customers and gifts to prize winners! How exciting!

Okay! I have to go for now, but I may be back later! You never know about me!

Here's my newest graphic!

Talk Later!!


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