Tuesday, January 27, 2015

My Ali Locket

This is my favorite of all of my lockets... This is just a piece of my story, however so near and dear to my heart, but I am going to share it with you, today.

When I was 15, I fell in love with a boy named Wesley. He was funny and sweet, sports crazy... Well, I knew he was "the one", so things happened and then he ended the relationship to date someone else. My first heartbreak. I was crushed. There are days when I am still crushed, but that's only because a part of me lives on. Just a little while after he broke up with me, about 6 weeks, I had a miscarriage. And, to tell you the truth, I didn't know, fully what was going on at the time and I wish I would have. 

If I had known, I would have told someone and gone to a hospital. But, I didn't. It was just me. 

Fast forward 13 years later, I am sitting in a therapist's office, explaining all of this to her and she suggests I give my child a sex and a name. She thought maybe that would bring closure and I could grieve in a healthy way. Well, when he and I were so young, we talked about everything, including what we would name our kids... I named her Allison. I call her Ali. To me, she is the wind, the birds, the clouds, but more than that, she is a butterfly, flitting from one flower to the next.

She is long gone, but never forgotten. That is just one of the many reasons I love Origami Owl. It reminds us all that we are human and we have made mistakes and gone down the wrong path... But sometimes we are blessed beyond measure. Now, I carry Ali with me, as I did for that brief time when I was just a child, myself. But, this time, I do it proudly and I can't wait to meet her some day.

But, for now, I think I'll just go sit and wait for the butterflies to make their appearance. 

It may be a personal story, but Origami Owl can bring that out of you. Or, you know... it can just match your outfit for that day. Lol.

LOVE Origami Owl! 

By the way, that is the "I love you to the moon and back plate on the back and the pregnancy and infant loss ribbon, in case you were curious!

Love you all!
Jessica Starwalt, Origami Owl Independent Designer #12588973


Thursday, January 15, 2015

Happy Times Office!

Hello, All!
             I just got internet in my house and my office line is set up! I am so excited! I am finally in business and loving being able to sit and look out the window as I work! I will have to post pictures soon! I will after I paint! 

            We closed on our house two days ago and it has been a WHIRLWIND! We moved everything and I organized everything (Still in boxes. Lol.) within 24 hours of the closing! I was so proud of myself! Now, I just need to paint some accent walls and buy a few more decorative pieces before I do pictures. 

            So, the guy who came to set up the internet and phone took a Take Out Menu (what we call our catalogs!) for his daughter. I though that was pretty great! My new neighbor has a daughter who is getting married and she wants to check out the bridal line! I'm so excited!

          Beside the fact that my dog got out today and I had to run around my neighborhood in my pajamas and slippers, so now everyone probably knows I'm crazy now! How's THAT for a first impression?! Only the best from me!

           Okay! Love you all, but I've got to go! My hubby is home and we're ready to eat dinner. I know, it's late. But, he works late! Don't judge me. Lol.

                                                      Always, Jessica

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Introducing In{script}ions!

Introducing In{script}ions!

I am so excited about the NEW In{script}ion Collection! Your life, your story, your script is what we are providing to each and every one of you! Back plates and locket bases that are personalized with what YOU want to say. You have different fonts to choose from on plates and it is all going to be up to YOU! I will tell you more about this as soon as I know! All I DO know is that it is going to start on February 17th. Just in time for Graduation and Mother's Day, you can give a gift that has ALWAYS been directly from the heart, but now you can actually SAY what you want to say.

I think this is amazing! How much would you love a proposal locket?! How about telling the new mom in your life how much you love her and how happy you are for her new bundle of joy? What about the mother you have always known, who has taken care of you and now you can capture a memory just for her and give it back to her. Imagine the smile on her face and the sparkle in her eye. That is what Origami Owl is all about. THAT is the reason I'm here, on this Earth. I was put here to help people and put a smile on faces of all shapes, colors, condition and age. Origami Owl spreads LOVE and, as the Beatles have been known to say.... "Love is all you need." 

Bless you all! I can't wait for this to be released! 

What would your plate say?! Comment below and don't forget to share this post wherever you may find it! Thank you so much for showing me how much you love me! I love you all, too!

Jessica Starwalt

If you are looking for the perfect Valentine's Day gift for your Love, please visit: www.jstarwalt.origamiowl.com and www.facebook.com.jstarwaltOO and like me!  

Monday, January 5, 2015

Uniquely YOU!

Hello You!

Do you know that, like a snowflake or a fingerprint, you are unlike anyone else?  You have been given a mission and gifts in the life you live that are unique only to YOU. 

I am.... strange. And, isn't that a beautiful thing?! I have a disorder that most people don't have that allows me to understand and be empathetic to those who feel like misfits. I am thankful for that. I feel like I was not born to fit in. I was born to stand out, just like every other misfit!  For a long time, I looked at it as a bad thing. Now, I see it is a blessing in disguise. 

My "difference" allows me to think differently and to see everything from separate perspectives. It allows me to keep my mind wide open. It allows me to write books and create characters. It allows me to draw, when I didn't know I could. It lets me help and protect other people who feel like they are without a voice, or who have one but are too afraid to use it. 

I know my mission in life is to be an advocate for mental illness/health. It is my job to help with abused children and broken adults. That is part of my story.

What is your story? Do you know your mission? Your life is not for you. It is for others. You are here for others and other people are here for you. God gave us all different talents and desires in order to be a light in this ever darkening world.

What can YOU do to help others today? Better question... What are you WILLING to do? You can't just want to help, you have to take action. Even if it's to send a letter to someone telling them you're thinking about them or asking how someone's day is going and REALLY listening to them. 

Be the you that you were born to be. Live and own YOUR story because only you can. Your flaws, mistakes, problems, diagnoses, disorders, fears, anxiety, faults, failures, brokenness and guilt are all part of your story. OWN THEM. If you can find it in your heart to own them, you can turn those things into love, compassion, hope, fearlessness, triumph, victory, satisfaction and joy in yourself and others. Own your story. It's the only thing you have that NOBODY can take away. It is all yours and it's beautiful, no matter how many "failures" are revealed inside. 

After all, Failure is a PART of success. You just have to keep getting up and learning to love your unique experience and sharing it with others. 

Live. Learn. Love. In that order.

I love you all because I have a journey where I have fallen down and gotten back up.

I would love to hear about your story. Please email me with your triumphant victory or how you plan to be triumphant in your journey and I will share mine with you.


If you know someone who needs to know they matter and their story is important, feel free to tag them however you can and share this with them.

Life is fleeting. Make a difference.

Jessica Starwalt


Friday, January 2, 2015

Hostess Exclusive and Internet High Five (Available for a limited time!)

I am so excited to show off the January through March Hostess Exclusive! So many ways to make a statement with this exclusive pack! 

Host a jewelry bar with me and earn this for a discounted price or maybe for FREE!! 

Email me at jessica.starwalt@yahoo.com to chat if you have any questions or message me on Facebook! www.facebook.com/jstarwaltOO Like and share the page for extra brownie points AND an internet high five!

WARNING! Do not touch hand until you have liked and shared www.facebook.com/jstarwaltOO 
This is the honor system. Please do not abuse it. ;)