Monday, March 30, 2015

How Do I Start a Blog?

Q:  Jessica, I want to start a blog, but I don't know how to go about it. Where do I start?

A:  I am so glad you asked! I love to write and it comes sort of naturally to me, I suppose. Here, I write as I speak. That is not how it always goes. For a blog, though. BE YOU! Your words in your language us what will get through to people. Being yourself will be how you develop a voice and people will love that voice because it's REAL. 

It's a lot harder to write a book. Finding your voice, as the author AND not neglecting the character's voice is a lot harder. I have this blog and my other one, which speaks to other people with Mental Illness. (I have been diagnosed with Dissociative Identity Disorder and I would LOVE to end the stigma of mental illness!) 

I have a lot of forces driving me to write in both of them. Figure out your "why" and write about what you know. Always be learning, so you can always have something to write about! 

Simple and sweet!

Any other questions? Ask away! If I don't know the answer, I will find someone who does! 

Love you all!
Jessica Starwalt - #12588973

If you are interested in my blog about my disorder, please feel free to send me a message or email and I will give you the link! 

Thursday, March 26, 2015

The 80's and 90's Were the BOMB.... Diggity. :)

Hello Happy Times Fans!

It's been a while since I wrote! Sorry about that! We did our taxes and I had other grown up type errands to run. When did I become a grown up? Lol. If you ask most people, it was 13 years ago when I turned 18. However, I don't remember it, so it must not have happened, right?! That's what I'm saying!

I look at this generation and think how DIFFERENT it was when I was a kid. We played outside and didn't worry about being kidnapped or anything else. Not to mention the TECHNOLOGY these days! We wouldn't have known what to do with an iPod or anything else, for that matter. My Tomagachi Pet was as high tech as it got and THAT was pushing it. We didn't have cell phones. I remember we had an old, black "bag phone" in the car, with a cord! My, how times have changed.

How many of you remember watching TGIF on Friday nights? I miss those types of tv shows! So many weeks we spent around the dinner table and then the tv, watching together and just being silly. It seems to me like families just aren't the same, anymore. I miss those days.

Come on, when Steve Urkel turned into Stephan.... GOLD! Haha!

I also look at the music. This generation has it SO EASY when they want to hear their favorite song, they just type it in to youtube and THERE IT IS! Anyone remember doing THIS?

What songs do you distinctly remember waiting for? I remember we had the Macerena and Breakfast At Tiffany's (She said, I think I remember the film and as... I thought, we both kinda liked it....) on cassette! Gotta love it!

What were your favorite memories from the 80's and 90's? Share them with me!

Love you all!
Jessica Starwalt

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Jared Padalecki and His FIGHT. Help!

Pleas take a moment and buy a shirt from Jared Padalecki's campaign with To Write Love On Her Arms for suicide prevention and the fighting depression. I have dealt with these things, myself.

Go to and buy NOW! There are only 24 hours left!

Happy Times Lockets supports this cause, as we have been dealing with our own, internal battles with multiple disorders.

Thank you!!
Jessica Starwalt - ID# 12588973

Saturday, March 14, 2015

Hurry Cardinals Baseball! What I'm Wearing Today.

They pick the weirdest snapshots to click on. I think that's how the people who run these things set back at us all. Lol.

Love you all!!  If you need a catalog, please email me your mailing address!

Jessica Starwalt - #12588973

Thursday, March 12, 2015

VIDEO Showing Spring Product!

Just a little video showing off some of the hot new product in the Spring Take Out Menu! I love Origami Owl! This stuff... I MUST have it ALL! 

This is Bella, wearing NEW product! She's so beautiful and talented. I can't wait to meet her!

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Make The World BETTER!

I am so EXCITED that Spring is on the way! Now, there are birds chirping and there is rain, instead of snow. Yesterday, when I took my dogs outside, the first thing I smelled was a neighbor grilling steaks and I thought... MAN, I should be friends with THEM! Haha. We still need to buy our grill. We love it!

Anyway, as far as Origami Owl goes, this is so EXCITING! Bella is in the corner, you know her, I'm guessing. If not, she is the one who started this whole journey because she wanted a car for her 16th birthday and her parents told her she should get a job. So, at 14, she started Origami Owl. She is multi-talented and so down to earth. I am thankful, every day that she did this because I get to follow my doctor's orders and stay home, while still being able to make some money and live for others. I love people and I love to make a difference in the lives of others.

I am now focusing on MY goals. I knew my "WHY" I started selling Origami Owl was because I wanted to help people and I have the privilege of doing that EVERY SINGLE DAY. That is worth it for me, all by itself. But, why stop there? I know my dream is to start saving for MY dream car, which is the newest body style of the Mazda Miata, which I added a picture on a previous blog post. That is what I am saving for. That is what I'm working for. I will share my progress with you all, as the months go by. I will refrain from buying all the cute shoes I feel like I MUST have, in order to accomplish my dream and I will do it happily. I need a car of my own, anyway, I may as well go for the dream and not settle, right?! RIGHT! Do you know why? Because I am worth it! I am worth the wait and the HUSTLE. 

Do you know what? So are you. We all have dreams and goals. Let's make them into PLANS and get going with this thing we call life. What is the point if you're not living out loud? I know my second dream cannot come true for a long time, but that's okay. I am working to open a battered women's shelter. Domestic violence survivors are very near and dear to my heart and I will also be saving for that. For support. For Hope. For TRUE Love.

Until then, I am working my business and representing all the charities I find and helping as much as I can to bring awareness to ALL of the causes of the world. This month? Shemar Moore's Baby Girl line, so I can help MS research. Next will be Jared Padalecki's To Write Love On Her Arms "Never Stop Fighting" campaign. I am doing a fundraiser for Leighton's Legion's search for a CF cure.

There is no greater love than helping those who need it. And, EVERYONE needs it. I live with a mental disorder, which is a blessing and curse, depending on the day. But, I treat it as if it is a miraculous blessing EVERY day and bring awareness and support to those people of the world who are living with their own illness or are supporting someone with one.

I love people. All of them. If you love people, too, please let me know what YOU'RE doing to love on this population. There just may be a giveaway to the story that hits me the most! You never know! I want to get to know all of you. I want to celebrate this mixed up, twisted, beautiful life and share it with all of you.

Sorry if I am rambling a bit. Sometimes the love I have is just overwhelming and I have to let you know. You ALL mean EVERYTHING to me and without you, none of us would be the same! Keep on keeping on and live your life out loud! I can't wait to read your stories! Keep making the world a better place! Email your stories to me at and don't forget to leave me your contact info so we can be friends!

Much Love!
Jessica Starwalt - Designer #12588973

Friday, March 6, 2015

Spring Is On It's Way!! March 10th!

Hello, beautiful people! It is quarter to 2:00am and I am about ready to hit the hay. But, before I do, I wanted to let you know that we got SO MUCH great news last night! Our Spring Launch was set for March 15th and they are moving it up to March 10th! How exciting! I cannot wait to get my new catalogs in the mail and I can't wait to see the complete, new spring line! You all will definitely want to book a party some time near Mother's Day! We have so many new products and charms coming out and a LOT of it would go PERFECTLY with an Easter outfit. Just saying! If anyone wants a catalog, please email me with your mailing address! I would love to send you one! (Only for USA and Canada, so far... Soon, the world! But, not yet... I'll keep you posted!)

We have 4 new products for In{script}ions and I have only gotten to see ONE of them, so when I get my catalogs, you can bet I will be talking all about the NEW STUFF!! I can't wait! What I have seen so far is BLOWING MY MIND! How many ways can you tell your amazing story? As many times as you can think of! I absolutely LOVE this company! Origami Owl is the perfect gift for ANYONE who has a favorite hobby, color, actor, movie, tv show or their very own story to share. I, personally, have all of those charms and I switch them out to fit my mood that day. You can, too! It goes with absolutely EVERYTHING. Check out my website! and look! New product will be showing on March 10th! I'm so excited!

Love what you see? Want some for FREE??! Email me! We can set you up to host a party and you can earn FREE jewelry and half off items!

LOVE IT ALL and can't decide, like me?? I can tell you just how amazing this company is and how it has drastically changed my life in the 8 months I have been selling it! It can change your life, as well! If you'd like to join, please ask questions in the comments or just email me! I'd love to hear from you, even if you don't want to join, I'd love to hear from you. I love people! I want to hear YOUR story. It could change someone's life, someday. You never know.

Talk to you all soon! I love you all!

Jessica Starwalt  (Designer ID #12588973)

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Opportunity Night! New Friends!

Opportunity Night is TOMORROW with the Sparkling Hooters! If you're in the USA or Canada, join us on a Spreecast session where Jill McCarthy (Jilleysue) will be taking the center stage and answering questions, dancing and you never know what kind of shenanigans will go on! She has super cute dogs, too! No obligation to join and from the comfort of your own home, come party in your PJ's with US as you learn more about the Origami Owl Opportunity! 

So much is coming up for Spring! This is the PERFECT month to join! If you are interested, jump on Facebook and friend me! I love new people! Let's chat and see if we would be a good fit for you and you would be a good fit for us as we show you how to make YOUR DREAMS a reality!

BE A DREAMER and then DO IT!


Talk to you all soon!

I can't wait to hear from you!

Jessica Starwalt

Friend me now, so I can invite you to the event! I'm so excited!

Monday, March 2, 2015


Are you a dreamer? Do you find yourself putting your dreams into motion, or WANTING to put your dreams into motion, but just don't know how? 

Do you want to be your own boss? Make your own schedule? Make extra money to send your kids to dance class or horseback riding lessons? I can help you!

With a lot of help from my wonderful upline, Jill McCarthy, (You may know her as JilleySue!) you can learn all about becoming a member our team and building a solid team of your own, making plenty of loving, long lasting relationships, motivation in your life and don't forget that MONEY! Sound great? I thought so.

We don't want sales people. We want "people" people with a drive and a story they want to share. The jewelry is so phenomenal that it really sells itself, however, YOU are what people are really investing in. So, if you are wanting to jump in and make a difference in the lives of others, in the lives of your family, in your own life and spread some love, I would love to have you on my team. (For now, it is only open to USA and Canada residents, but we are growing all the time! Stay patient! We want YOU, too, no matter where you are!) 

Our Opportunity night will be on March 4th, so if you want in on the call, to see Jill and let her answer your questions, dance like nobody is watching (because they aren't! Lol) and live out your dreams LIKE A BOSS, comment here with any questions or "I'm In" so I can connect with YOU on Facebook and we can get you in the event! 

I can't wait to see you all there!! 

Love Always,
Jessica Starwalt - #12588973

Just for Funsies!