Thursday, March 26, 2015

The 80's and 90's Were the BOMB.... Diggity. :)

Hello Happy Times Fans!

It's been a while since I wrote! Sorry about that! We did our taxes and I had other grown up type errands to run. When did I become a grown up? Lol. If you ask most people, it was 13 years ago when I turned 18. However, I don't remember it, so it must not have happened, right?! That's what I'm saying!

I look at this generation and think how DIFFERENT it was when I was a kid. We played outside and didn't worry about being kidnapped or anything else. Not to mention the TECHNOLOGY these days! We wouldn't have known what to do with an iPod or anything else, for that matter. My Tomagachi Pet was as high tech as it got and THAT was pushing it. We didn't have cell phones. I remember we had an old, black "bag phone" in the car, with a cord! My, how times have changed.

How many of you remember watching TGIF on Friday nights? I miss those types of tv shows! So many weeks we spent around the dinner table and then the tv, watching together and just being silly. It seems to me like families just aren't the same, anymore. I miss those days.

Come on, when Steve Urkel turned into Stephan.... GOLD! Haha!

I also look at the music. This generation has it SO EASY when they want to hear their favorite song, they just type it in to youtube and THERE IT IS! Anyone remember doing THIS?

What songs do you distinctly remember waiting for? I remember we had the Macerena and Breakfast At Tiffany's (She said, I think I remember the film and as... I thought, we both kinda liked it....) on cassette! Gotta love it!

What were your favorite memories from the 80's and 90's? Share them with me!

Love you all!
Jessica Starwalt

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