Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Valentine's Greetings!


I am TOO EXCITED about our new product reveal, so far! Last night, the beautiful Chrissy Weems (co-Founder) showed us a lot of new product coming available for purchase in early January! I cannot get over the little Message In A Bottle charm! How cute! Men, if you need some ideas on what to get your girl for Valentine's Day, please message me! Don't get her something that means nothing AGAIN this year. Get her something that speaks to her heart about your story, no matter if it's the beginning or middle of your tale. 

There will also be a plate that will fit in the regular sized large Heart Living Locket that says "I Kind Of Like you A Lot" and you can pair that perfectly with the new Do You Like Me? Yes or No note charm! How adorable!

Also, a new medium sized Heart Living Locket will be available, so you and your little one can be twins! 

Spread the love this year!

www.jstarwalt.origamiowl.com to order! Available January 7th, I am hearing!

If you would like a new Valentine's catalog or one of our "Take Out Menus" for this season, please email (below) with your address and I will get them out ASAP!

Love Always,
Jessica Starwalt - 12588973

If you're considering joining my team, which you should. I am looking for TWO optimistic, people service oriented people to come aboard! If you are that person, please email me at jessica.starwalt@yahoo.com! I look forward to hearing from you!

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