Monday, September 29, 2014

Sunday, September 28, 2014

Alice in Wonderland

For those of you who don't know me, or don't know me well, I LOVE Alice in Wonderland. I love the quotes and the confusion and the curiosity and the abnormal being normal and the fact that we're all a little mad sometimes. As I have said before, my husband and I are leaving the military lifestyle and are hoping to buy this beautiful house in a small town in Missouri.

It has TWO balconies, columns in the front, a weeping willow tree and a Bradford Pear tree in the front yard and a big back yard with shed and it's fenced in.... 

And, I must say... I am planning on having Mad Hatter style tea parties under the branches of that willow. And I plan to set an easel on the balcony that overlooks our front yard and paint until my heart is content. My Origami Owl office will be downstairs, white, grey and teal with pops of pink and yellow.

It has it's own dining room, so I can make meals for the people I love and have them over for fancy (and not so fancy) memory making nights. 

I will have a therapy room that is Alice themed and all the misfits I gather in my life can come there on certain days and we can have group therapy. I want tiny doors on the walls like we feel like giants and I want a giant door somewhere where we feel so small. 

In this life, if I have learned anything, it's that we're all people and we're all worth getting to know. We all have scars and we can all be healed if we just work together, instead of shutting each other out. 

So, if you're ever near and need to feel a little bigger, come see me as soon as I get my house. I will welcome you because I know what's it's like to feel a bit small. I think we all do.

And now, I'm off to design my Alice in Wonderland locket for our vendor event on October 1st.

Lots of love!
                                                           <3 Jessica

Saturday, September 27, 2014

A Revolution For Good!

This is our Force For Good charm for Designers. Origami Owl strives for it's Designers and all of it's employees to be a "Force For Good".

The world is a mess. Who knows what's going on and what's going to happen? Nobody, except me. I know that no matter what happens, I am going to strive to be a force for good. I am going to smile at strangers and I'm going to give people genuine compliments. I am going to pay for someone's coffee and I'm going to have a good time with my fellow man. 

Do you know why? Because, the world is a mess and hope is being lost in humanity. With all of the bad, I believe there is still good in this world and I am going to shine my light wherever I can.

I implore you to do the same. God has created this beautiful world in order for us to enjoy it and other man in order to take care of it and praise His name. 

So, let's start a revolution in this world! Let's create a goal to be a force for good and lift up the lives of others. Sadly, that's the only way some of us are going to get through it. 

Does anyone have any prayer requests I can be praying for? Please let me know. If you just need to talk, I'm always here!
                                                           <3 Jessica

Bunco Night at the Officer's Club!

We had so much fun with Bunco Night and the Officer's Club!

This is me having fun with Olive as we were getting ready to leave for the awesome night it turned out being! I had never played Bunco before, in my life, but it was so much fun!

It turns out I am exactly average, so I didn't win anything. But, that's generally how it works for me. Won 9 games, Lost 9 games. LAME! Anyway, I had a great time and I can't wait for the next night! 

I also had the privilege of donating a necklace and bust, for one of the raffle prices. It was a wonderful time and I met a lot of people and got to spread the love of Origami Owl! (I gave out some cards, too!)  

A big thank you to Allison Hall of the Officer Spouse's Club for giving me the opportunity to help make someone very happy!

I love Origami Owl!!

Thursday, September 25, 2014

A Little About the **ME** Of It All.

So, you probably don't know much, if anything about me. One fun fact is that I have an addiction.... Success. It doesn't even have to be my own success! I push those around me to be better, stronger and happier. I push myself to be the best human I can be. I love people. Everyone deserves to be a success! I have so many goals for myself and I strive to reach them every day. 
Though, this year has been hard for me. I have been diagnosed with a wonderful gift and it has left me in a beautiful place where I have gotten to know myself. I'm still getting to know myself, every day. 
I have been writing more and I have an idea for a book I have brought forward and started to bring to fruition. And, I have started this amazing Origami Owl journey. 
Before, I felt like people hated me, for some reason. I stayed away from talking to people and I didn't want anyone to recognize me. But, since I started Origami Owl and joined the Sparkling Hooters with Jill McCarthy, she has really brought a light to my life. She is real and heartfelt and she is the best leader I have ever known. She pushes me on days when I don't want to do anything because I want to be like her. I want to be as independent, loving and caring as she is.
With that, came my own team that I started with my mentor, Paige Butler. We are called Charmed and Dangerous, which is so funny because we all pretty much stumble over our words and are so real that "charmed" is hilarious to think about and so is "dangerous", as a matter of fact. But we liked the pun. So, that's who we are. We are a force for good and I hope I can be the same great type of leader that Jill is, for I am learning from her, daily, from across the country. She is a blessing and so is this company, which encourages people to tell their story. 

We all have a story. We all have a goal. Don't be quiet. Shout it from the rooftops! You are powerful. YOU can change someone's life and you may not even know it. Be uniquely you. No regrets.

Here is the locket that represents MY story. Enjoy.
Jessica <3

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Holiday Sneak Peek

Good Morning!

Hello everyone. It is a brand new day and I just took my husband to a class he has to attend in order to get out of the Marine Corps.
Then, I bought some coffee creamer, took the trash to the curb and ran inside so I could start my day right... By relaxing and centering myself and having a nice cup of coffee. I'm listening to "Rain on a Canvas Tent" on YouTube and it is AWESOME. With all of my anxieties and fears (We will get more into that, later.) I have found that it is the only thing I can listen to that REALLY calms me down and brings me back to where I need to be. 

Today, I am thankful to God that He has given me everything I have, including my "illness" and all of my blessings, because honestly, they are all blessings, even if in disguise.

I am preparing to take the Officer's Spouses Club my Origami Owl donation. I hope they all love it! It seems like this month, I won't reach my own, personal goal because I have been so busy helping the team. And, I love that. I have two baby owls under me and I am loving coaching them and seeing and feeling their excitement.

It is a beautiful process to be a part of and I feel truly blessed. 

What are you doing today?


Monday, September 22, 2014

Hoot Hoot!

Look what I just got!! Hoot Hoot!

Click here to order your own!

Thank you, Girly Momma Designs!


Out your friends! 1 POINT for each friend's name!

Comment with your friend's name and which 
category they fit under for 1 POINT EACH!


***40 points***


Only full sentences are counted as qualifying comments!

If you could have your DREAM LIFE, what would it look like?
Keep answering! I will let you know when the game is over! It could be an hour from now and it could be tomorrow! 
You never know with me!

Celebrate Life

This locket speaks to my heart.

In the year 2000, when I was barely 16, I had a miscarriage. 
For 13 years, I didn't tell many people, but once I met a dear friend, who was going through the same ordeal at the time and was going through some therapy to help her cope and every day I am thankful for that friend. She showed me the way to help my heart heal. With her twins she lost, they encouraged her to give them names and celebrate the people they were before they were taken.

My daughter, I named Alison, or Ali. I cannot wait to meet her, someday and hold onto my beautiful baby girl.

Now Origami Owl has made a brand new charm for those who have loved and lost their own.

If you are dealing with a loss, no matter how long ago, know that your lovely little one deserves to be celebrated.

I know I celebrate Ali every day.

Lots of LOVE!

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Core Values - Make Your Dreams Come True

Our Core Values!

At Origami Owl, we do have a code we live by. Do we remember them all? Probably a few. Do we slip and fall sometimes? Absolutely, we are human, after all. Do we get back up and push on because we know how much love and light this world needs? No doubt about it. Because times are going to be tough and not everything goes as planned, but God puts roadblocks and certain people in your life so that YOU can make a difference.

We support each other and we LOVE what we do. If you are that type of person, please comment below! I'd love to talk to you about how you can make your dreams come true!

Dollars and Points!

Did you know that for every dollar you spend on any of the pink or purple jewelry bars on the right hand side of the page, you earn a point! Whoever gets the most points for the party they are with gets something FREE from me,  personally! 

Also, if you book a jewelry bar with me, you earn 20 POINTS!

If you sign on under me, you earn 40 POINTS!

Now THAT's happy!

Who wants FREE stuff?!


Are YOU Brave?!

Are YOU Brave??

Some numbers win something FREE from me.
Some are "Book a Party".
ONE number is a JACKPOT!
Trust me, you want the jackpot!

Saturday, September 20, 2014

What's YOUR mission? 25 POINTS!

***For 25 POINTS***

Answer in the comments for points!

Do YOU like FREE jewelry?!

Book an Origami Owl Jewelry Bar with ME and we can do it right here!
We play games, do prizes, hostess earns FREE and half priced items and EVERYONE is happy! If you'd like to book with me, please post in the comments below!


What are the goals you need to accomplish to be "successful"?


Earn some POINTS toward your party!

***5 POINTS***

Friday, September 19, 2014

Save A Child.... Partnership with ChildHelp

We Save Lives!

At Origami Owl, we try our very best to help the world to be a better place, especially for children, as they are the future leaders of this nation. With our partnership with ChildHelp we, as Designers, are able to help them by becoming volunteers to help spread their SpeakUp BeSafe curriculum around the nation in many different schools, so that children can feel empowered to say something if someone is hurting them in one way or another and it's showing the other children what certain symptoms of abuse may look like in their friends.
Practically, you can help, too! We have 3 charms that ALL of Origami Owl's profit goes directly to ChildHelp in order to keep that curriculum circulating! That would be the Silver Heart Hand, the Bully Proof Shield and the ChildHelp Dove. They cost $5.00 at retail and 50% goes to your Designer. So, $2.50 from EVERY one of those charms you buy goes straight to helping the children of this world who may not feel like they have a voice.
These companies, Origami Owl and ChildHelp are blessings to the nation and we should be trying to support them in any way that we can. They are truly a force for good.
The AWESOME jewelry is just a perk! (And what a perk it is!)

Swarovski Crystal Heaven!

Do you LOVE the bling?

Do you LOVE Swarovski Crystals?
We have our BRAND NEW Hex Crystals by Swarovski and our own Swarovski Crystal wist faces for our locket bases! They are absolutely gorgeous!
If standing out is YOUR thing, THIS is for YOU!

In Memory Of Fido

Whether it's man's best friend or your guinea pig, Trudy, when your best friend passes, it is a time to hold them close to your heart.

Don't forget you can add a picture for even an more personalized piece. 

Life's Moments to Remember

Gender Reveal Locket, Anyone?!

If you have had a child, how did you reveal the gender? Lately, it's been a "thing" to make it a "thing" with pictures or paint or pink or blue balloons in a box.... I think that is a great way to tell your friends and family the wonderful news! But have you ever thought of an Origami Owl Living Locket filled with boy things or girl things?! Oh what an idea!

Hostess Exclusive for October - December 2014

Raise your hand if you can't WAIT for this!
All you have to do is close a party between October and December and you have a chance to add this to your collection!

I promise my hand is as high as I can get it!!!
We're just waiting on a price!
I love surprises!