Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Good Morning!

Hello everyone. It is a brand new day and I just took my husband to a class he has to attend in order to get out of the Marine Corps.
Then, I bought some coffee creamer, took the trash to the curb and ran inside so I could start my day right... By relaxing and centering myself and having a nice cup of coffee. I'm listening to "Rain on a Canvas Tent" on YouTube and it is AWESOME. With all of my anxieties and fears (We will get more into that, later.) I have found that it is the only thing I can listen to that REALLY calms me down and brings me back to where I need to be. 

Today, I am thankful to God that He has given me everything I have, including my "illness" and all of my blessings, because honestly, they are all blessings, even if in disguise.

I am preparing to take the Officer's Spouses Club my Origami Owl donation. I hope they all love it! It seems like this month, I won't reach my own, personal goal because I have been so busy helping the team. And, I love that. I have two baby owls under me and I am loving coaching them and seeing and feeling their excitement.

It is a beautiful process to be a part of and I feel truly blessed. 

What are you doing today?


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