Friday, September 19, 2014

Save A Child.... Partnership with ChildHelp

We Save Lives!

At Origami Owl, we try our very best to help the world to be a better place, especially for children, as they are the future leaders of this nation. With our partnership with ChildHelp we, as Designers, are able to help them by becoming volunteers to help spread their SpeakUp BeSafe curriculum around the nation in many different schools, so that children can feel empowered to say something if someone is hurting them in one way or another and it's showing the other children what certain symptoms of abuse may look like in their friends.
Practically, you can help, too! We have 3 charms that ALL of Origami Owl's profit goes directly to ChildHelp in order to keep that curriculum circulating! That would be the Silver Heart Hand, the Bully Proof Shield and the ChildHelp Dove. They cost $5.00 at retail and 50% goes to your Designer. So, $2.50 from EVERY one of those charms you buy goes straight to helping the children of this world who may not feel like they have a voice.
These companies, Origami Owl and ChildHelp are blessings to the nation and we should be trying to support them in any way that we can. They are truly a force for good.
The AWESOME jewelry is just a perk! (And what a perk it is!)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

We LOVE #OrigamiOwl <3 Thank you for being a blessing!