Thursday, September 25, 2014

A Little About the **ME** Of It All.

So, you probably don't know much, if anything about me. One fun fact is that I have an addiction.... Success. It doesn't even have to be my own success! I push those around me to be better, stronger and happier. I push myself to be the best human I can be. I love people. Everyone deserves to be a success! I have so many goals for myself and I strive to reach them every day. 
Though, this year has been hard for me. I have been diagnosed with a wonderful gift and it has left me in a beautiful place where I have gotten to know myself. I'm still getting to know myself, every day. 
I have been writing more and I have an idea for a book I have brought forward and started to bring to fruition. And, I have started this amazing Origami Owl journey. 
Before, I felt like people hated me, for some reason. I stayed away from talking to people and I didn't want anyone to recognize me. But, since I started Origami Owl and joined the Sparkling Hooters with Jill McCarthy, she has really brought a light to my life. She is real and heartfelt and she is the best leader I have ever known. She pushes me on days when I don't want to do anything because I want to be like her. I want to be as independent, loving and caring as she is.
With that, came my own team that I started with my mentor, Paige Butler. We are called Charmed and Dangerous, which is so funny because we all pretty much stumble over our words and are so real that "charmed" is hilarious to think about and so is "dangerous", as a matter of fact. But we liked the pun. So, that's who we are. We are a force for good and I hope I can be the same great type of leader that Jill is, for I am learning from her, daily, from across the country. She is a blessing and so is this company, which encourages people to tell their story. 

We all have a story. We all have a goal. Don't be quiet. Shout it from the rooftops! You are powerful. YOU can change someone's life and you may not even know it. Be uniquely you. No regrets.

Here is the locket that represents MY story. Enjoy.
Jessica <3


Anonymous said...

I just found your blog and am so inspired to push forward through the confusion and not accept any lies that we cant function like a normal human being out there. Your openness and honesty has blessed me already in what ive read so far and wanted to say hello to you right away before i space out again. Im charlotte and just recently found out my DID. Im scared but am more aware of how ive lived little by little. I cant find much personal takes online i identify with. I identify with you and hope i get the courage to write you again and tell you how. All the best to you all and please know im reading/listening to your blogs and *like and *dislike with you..... i dont have google so i cant always comment without them giving me a headache, but know im a fan of your blog! God bless you for being so strong in weakness, brave in fear, and openand honest in a deceitful hateful world. (((((((((((Safe cyberhug)))))))))) :)

Anonymous said...

Btw, i love your locket! Never seen anything so lovely! It gives me butterflies in my stomach :) You did a lovely job! Well done and thank you so much for sharing a picture of it!