Monday, September 22, 2014

Celebrate Life

This locket speaks to my heart.

In the year 2000, when I was barely 16, I had a miscarriage. 
For 13 years, I didn't tell many people, but once I met a dear friend, who was going through the same ordeal at the time and was going through some therapy to help her cope and every day I am thankful for that friend. She showed me the way to help my heart heal. With her twins she lost, they encouraged her to give them names and celebrate the people they were before they were taken.

My daughter, I named Alison, or Ali. I cannot wait to meet her, someday and hold onto my beautiful baby girl.

Now Origami Owl has made a brand new charm for those who have loved and lost their own.

If you are dealing with a loss, no matter how long ago, know that your lovely little one deserves to be celebrated.

I know I celebrate Ali every day.

Lots of LOVE!

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