Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Find Your Happy!

Hello, my friends!

I hope you all are doing wonderfully! It is Wednesday and I am excited and ready to work, today! I love the fact that I can go anywhere, do anything and still do my job. I also love that, while doing my job, I can do my hobby, which is talking about mental illness and bringing awareness to end the stigma and shame associated with an illness over which you have no control.

It would be like shaming a person because they have cancer. They didn't ask for it. It just happened upon them and it's their turn to fight. They don't need a whole lot more than that and they just fight because there is only one other option. That is the same with mental illness. We ALL have days when we don't want to do ANYTHING. We all have days when we just want to wallow in self pity and I think a day of that is just fine, every once in a while. Heck, I think a day of that for anyone, for ANY reason is just fine! Car broke down? Go ahead. Have a pity party. Broke a nail? That HURTS! So, I understand wallowing for a bit. 

But, there comes a time, in ALL trials, where you just have to decide to be happy again, no matter the circumstance.

So choose. Be happy or be miserable. It all takes the same amount of life. You just get more life out of being happy. I promise.

Origami Owl's theme for our annual Convention is Find Your Happy, this year.  I am working toward going because it is so near, but I am afraid I won't have the funds. My husband and I just bought a house and I need a car and bills and all of that are piling up. (Side note, I don't know WHO let me "adult", but I'm pretty sure I want to return that gift. Haha.) So, I think I'm going to have to miss out on finding my happy. But, that's okay. I already found mine. It's you. It's life, in general. It's blue skies and sunlight, but it's also grey skies and raindrops. You find the most happy when you give yourself permission to be happy, no matter the circumstance. 

Train yourself to find the silver lining and you will find it there, most of the time. A truly happy person will even create their own glimmer when they can't find one already there. THAT is called being a leader. Press on when it looks bleak and show others how to do it, as well. That is how I find my happy. So, today, I am designing my locket to have my favorite things. Plain and simple. 

My Dogs
My Love For You

What would your locket have in it, for YOUR favorite things?

Find your happy, everyone! It's so worth it.

Love you all,

Saturday, April 25, 2015

Why Join The Sparkling Hooters Team?

Jessica, why should I join the Sparkling Hooters team?

I can't believe it is already the 25th of April!

Where is the year going?!

I have been so busy with Origami Owl, writing my book and reading... I have also been designing my garden and working on my house. I am working on a great life, here!

I love working with Origami Owl! The company is AMAZING. They had an internet platform change that threw a lot of things off in the last couple of months. Now, they are making up for it! I knew they would. They always give us more than we deserve. 

They are giving us promotions, starting now, where we can make bonuses for the next few months, by just doing what we were doing, anyway. It's amazing!

I get to work from wherever I am... Including my bed, when I'm sick, anywhere there is wifi or I have data coverage on my phone, when I'm running errands! I love working for myself! I choose my hours and I can come and go, as I please. There is nothing more freeing than that!

So, you want to know about the team I'm on... Well, my small team (Charmed & Dangerous) is an offset of an amazing BIG team called Sparkling Hooters...

I am on Jill McCarthy's team, Sparkling Hooters and it is the most amazing group of people! We are a no negativity group who take charge and find solutions, rather than exacerbating problems. We are all over the USA and Canada, we hold each other up, pray for and send positive vibes to each other, wish each other luck, love on and cheer each other on, every step of the way. 

We have our own Charm School, as a new or "seasoned" Designer, every month, where we learn about ourselves, set goals, learn tips and tricks of the business and get the motivation we need to keep up the pace, or just get a business re-boost. As a leader, you can help with Charm School by teaching all the great things you have learned along the way and help cheer on those going through it to learn... And, you just may learn a few things, yourself! 

We have a group that allows future Designers to join to see how we work together, learn who we are and what Origami Owl and the Sparkling Hooters are all about. It is AMAZING because we can help you grow your team! I am actually the admin on that group, so I can say with confidence... It's awesome. But, maybe I'm biased. Along with the group, Jill also does Opportunity Nights once or twice a month, on a webcast format, (Where we can see and hear her, but she can't hear or see us.) and we invite our future Designers and they can get on the chat and ask Jill questions and we dance and have a LOT of fun. 

We are well trained. Once we join, we have different groups for our own graphic designs, to stay healthy, to stay motivated, a Leaders page and weekly team webcasts with Jill! 

In case you don't know who "Jilleysue" is, her name is Jill McCarthy and she is AMAZING. She is a social media rockstar, living in Florida with the cutest dogs (besides mine!) and rocking her businesses! Yes, more than one! She is one of the busiest people I have ever met and she is living the dream, one day at a time. I aspire to be like her.

She and so many others have already helped me to become who I am. 

When I was diagnosed with my mental illness, I was strong, but I also fell apart. When everything you thought you knew goes down the drain, that happens. But, joining this particular team with these people have inspired me in so many areas of my life. Business, personal, financial, emotional, spiritual, health... No area has been left untouched. I am truly thankful for my Owl family and I would like to give them a warm "hoot hoot"! 

Some times, you touch people's lives and you don't even know it. So, thank you Tammy Leatherby, Anna Dean, Sonya Marchetta, and last but not least, Jill McCarthy. I know I am leaving some out, but there are so many. I learn from all of my Sparkling Hooters family and am grateful to all of you. 

So, if you're thinking about joining, that's why you should choose us. We make each other better. We are family.

And, I'm not even going to tell you about the annual Convention shenanigans... You'll have to find out after you join us! ;)

Talk to you soon!

Jessica Starwalt - ID# 12588973 to join or shop to "like" and talk to me!

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Be the Exception until it's the Rule!

Today, I got up, showered, dressed, coffee and set out to Target, because I had a gift card. I LOVE gifts cards to ANYWHERE. Seriously. They make me WAY happier than they should. Lol.

I went there and got new stationary and thank you cards. (I also love sending snail mail to people!) I bought the cards and then, handed the gift card to the lady behind me when I was finished and told her to keep whatever was left on it. Her face just lit up and smiled and she said "well thank you!" and the cashier let out a sweet "AWW!" I was taken aback. I do things like that a lot, so it didn't occur to me that this is the exception and not the rule... At first, I felt thankful that I have a heart for others, but then I started feeling sad.

Being kind and giving is the EXCEPTION! That should not be. I would have given that lady my CAR if I didn't need it. I would give her my shoes and I didn't even know her. It makes me sad to know that people don't truly care about others, very often. It's a shame.

I don't have my life completely together, quite obviously, but I love to make other people smile. So, now I'm wondering what types of things do you do to make other people smile? I would love to hear them in the comments. And, no, this is not about bragging on yourself. This is giving people who may not know what to do, some ideas. (And, me, too! I can always use more ideas!)

This is very important to me and part of the LOVE Revolution! Talk to me in the comments! What can we do to make this a better, sweeter place to live? Let's hear your ideas!

Talk to you soon!!


Saturday, April 11, 2015

LOVE Revolution

I have another blog, where I talk about my mental illness. I have talked about it here, before, but I don't dwell on it here because there is no reason to. However, I am cross-posting this because it is a GREAT entry and it ties into Origami Owl's way of loving people and telling your story. So, get to know me a little better, here... 


Everyone who has a mental illness KNOWS that it's not fair. Heck, life isn't fair. Things happen beyond your control and you just have to sit in it and learn to live. How do I cope? Well... My body is made up of and held together by pure will and caffeine. Yep. 7/10 caffeine. That's why I drink so much coffee. I have to keep my levels up!

I just sit and look at it from other people's point of view and, if you don't have the "pleasure" of NOT seeing me on a bad day, (which I only show to those I truly love...) then I look like I am fine. You see me glaring at you because Sheila is near, smiling at you because Victoria is near, either smirking or staring at you, defiantly, if Jenna is there. Sasha is hard to spot, but she comes out when she feels safe and can be silly or has to protect the rest of us. And Jessie doesn't come out much because she hardly ever feels safe OR scared. She's shy and quiet. And then, there's me, at the heart of it all, standing there with a stupid look on my face because I have no idea how I feel.

I have lived on instinct my ENTIRE life. I do what I need to do to survive and that's that. I do not know HOW to be truly happy. It's sad, but I'm honestly happiest when I am alone. There's not so much pressure there. I can do what I want and be who I am without anybody thinking ANYTHING. I don't have to worry about hurting someone if there is nobody there to hurt, but myself. And, I can take it. I've been through the Seven Rings of Hell and I can handle anything life throws at me.

But, you start adding other people into the mix and, there goes everything. I never want to hurt another person. That is NOT how I do. But, it is how I have done. I know that. I have heard stories about myself that make my skin crawl. I have had blatant disrespect, at the very least, for other humans and that is SAD. But, know I did what I thought was right, in those situations, at the time.

Sometimes, I just wish God would take me out of this world. You see, I don't want to die. I just want to be dead. It seems like the easiest solution to a hard and fast problem. The only way, though, is if God were to take me out, Himself. I can't tell you how many times I have prayed for God to take me and that I was ready to go because this life is more than anyone should have to carry. I have found myself on many a floor, red and out of breath from all of the sobbing, wishing I would just leave this place.

After so many years, I know God has a plan. He must. It's not like I'm just floating around, accomplishing nothing. I must be here for a reason, right? Because, it seems to me that God wouldn't put me through all of this just to watch me squirm. He wouldn't just leave me down here to fall and be brutally hurt so many times, just to see me reach out for death. Yet, that is exactly what I have gotten from His "church". It's sad, really. The Bible tells us to LOVE. You will know Jesus's followers by their "judgement"? Nope. LOVE. You will know them by their LOVE.

Do you know how many times I reached out for love and got smacked down by a "Pastor"? One even threatened to rape me, as I was baring my soul to my friends. I was at my most vulnerable and he attacked. How do I deal with that? Well, I can tell you. I stopped going to church. It was the best decision I ever made. I started hanging out with the people who have been hurt, embarrassed, beaten down and harassed. That is where your true love lies, because these people know what it's like to be hurt, so they know compassion. They know how to truly love, though many of them have never experienced receiving it. My heart aches for them. I want to love them. I want to love you.

I want to feel safe, secure and to love and be loved. THAT is my mission. THAT is why I'm here. I am here, on this earth for YOU. If you need love, let me know. (And, I don't mean anything creepy, got it? Do NOT freak me out or I will let Sheila go and you do NOT want that. Promise.) If you need someone to talk to, listen, advice or a virtual hug, please let me know. I am honored to be of your service. I want to be a true servant leader in this LOVE Revolution this world so desperately needs and I don't believe it will start with the church. (Yet, it will come from God because He knows what it's like to sacrifice for all mankind, just like the "misfits" of this world.) I believe it will start with the broken.

So, here I am. Let it start with me. All who are damaged, forgotten, helpless, bullied, fear stricken, trampled on, bruised, beaten, mocked, hated, misunderstood and lost, come with me on this journey to make the world a better place. We can do it because WE know compassion. We know what it feels like to want to die and somehow manage to still be here every single day. We have the power to change things, so let's start now.

Keep standing strong and try to smile at someone you don't know! You never know how that can change someone's day.

So much love,

Monday, March 30, 2015

How Do I Start a Blog?

Q:  Jessica, I want to start a blog, but I don't know how to go about it. Where do I start?

A:  I am so glad you asked! I love to write and it comes sort of naturally to me, I suppose. Here, I write as I speak. That is not how it always goes. For a blog, though. BE YOU! Your words in your language us what will get through to people. Being yourself will be how you develop a voice and people will love that voice because it's REAL. 

It's a lot harder to write a book. Finding your voice, as the author AND not neglecting the character's voice is a lot harder. I have this blog and my other one, which speaks to other people with Mental Illness. (I have been diagnosed with Dissociative Identity Disorder and I would LOVE to end the stigma of mental illness!) 

I have a lot of forces driving me to write in both of them. Figure out your "why" and write about what you know. Always be learning, so you can always have something to write about! 

Simple and sweet!

Any other questions? Ask away! If I don't know the answer, I will find someone who does! 

Love you all!
Jessica Starwalt - #12588973

If you are interested in my blog about my disorder, please feel free to send me a message or email and I will give you the link! 

Thursday, March 26, 2015

The 80's and 90's Were the BOMB.... Diggity. :)

Hello Happy Times Fans!

It's been a while since I wrote! Sorry about that! We did our taxes and I had other grown up type errands to run. When did I become a grown up? Lol. If you ask most people, it was 13 years ago when I turned 18. However, I don't remember it, so it must not have happened, right?! That's what I'm saying!

I look at this generation and think how DIFFERENT it was when I was a kid. We played outside and didn't worry about being kidnapped or anything else. Not to mention the TECHNOLOGY these days! We wouldn't have known what to do with an iPod or anything else, for that matter. My Tomagachi Pet was as high tech as it got and THAT was pushing it. We didn't have cell phones. I remember we had an old, black "bag phone" in the car, with a cord! My, how times have changed.

How many of you remember watching TGIF on Friday nights? I miss those types of tv shows! So many weeks we spent around the dinner table and then the tv, watching together and just being silly. It seems to me like families just aren't the same, anymore. I miss those days.

Come on, when Steve Urkel turned into Stephan.... GOLD! Haha!

I also look at the music. This generation has it SO EASY when they want to hear their favorite song, they just type it in to youtube and THERE IT IS! Anyone remember doing THIS?

What songs do you distinctly remember waiting for? I remember we had the Macerena and Breakfast At Tiffany's (She said, I think I remember the film and as... I thought, we both kinda liked it....) on cassette! Gotta love it!

What were your favorite memories from the 80's and 90's? Share them with me!

Love you all!
Jessica Starwalt

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Jared Padalecki and His FIGHT. Help!

Pleas take a moment and buy a shirt from Jared Padalecki's campaign with To Write Love On Her Arms for suicide prevention and the fighting depression. I have dealt with these things, myself.

Go to and buy NOW! There are only 24 hours left!

Happy Times Lockets supports this cause, as we have been dealing with our own, internal battles with multiple disorders.

Thank you!!
Jessica Starwalt - ID# 12588973

Saturday, March 14, 2015

Hurry Cardinals Baseball! What I'm Wearing Today.

They pick the weirdest snapshots to click on. I think that's how the people who run these things set back at us all. Lol.

Love you all!!  If you need a catalog, please email me your mailing address!

Jessica Starwalt - #12588973

Thursday, March 12, 2015

VIDEO Showing Spring Product!

Just a little video showing off some of the hot new product in the Spring Take Out Menu! I love Origami Owl! This stuff... I MUST have it ALL! 

This is Bella, wearing NEW product! She's so beautiful and talented. I can't wait to meet her!

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Make The World BETTER!

I am so EXCITED that Spring is on the way! Now, there are birds chirping and there is rain, instead of snow. Yesterday, when I took my dogs outside, the first thing I smelled was a neighbor grilling steaks and I thought... MAN, I should be friends with THEM! Haha. We still need to buy our grill. We love it!

Anyway, as far as Origami Owl goes, this is so EXCITING! Bella is in the corner, you know her, I'm guessing. If not, she is the one who started this whole journey because she wanted a car for her 16th birthday and her parents told her she should get a job. So, at 14, she started Origami Owl. She is multi-talented and so down to earth. I am thankful, every day that she did this because I get to follow my doctor's orders and stay home, while still being able to make some money and live for others. I love people and I love to make a difference in the lives of others.

I am now focusing on MY goals. I knew my "WHY" I started selling Origami Owl was because I wanted to help people and I have the privilege of doing that EVERY SINGLE DAY. That is worth it for me, all by itself. But, why stop there? I know my dream is to start saving for MY dream car, which is the newest body style of the Mazda Miata, which I added a picture on a previous blog post. That is what I am saving for. That is what I'm working for. I will share my progress with you all, as the months go by. I will refrain from buying all the cute shoes I feel like I MUST have, in order to accomplish my dream and I will do it happily. I need a car of my own, anyway, I may as well go for the dream and not settle, right?! RIGHT! Do you know why? Because I am worth it! I am worth the wait and the HUSTLE. 

Do you know what? So are you. We all have dreams and goals. Let's make them into PLANS and get going with this thing we call life. What is the point if you're not living out loud? I know my second dream cannot come true for a long time, but that's okay. I am working to open a battered women's shelter. Domestic violence survivors are very near and dear to my heart and I will also be saving for that. For support. For Hope. For TRUE Love.

Until then, I am working my business and representing all the charities I find and helping as much as I can to bring awareness to ALL of the causes of the world. This month? Shemar Moore's Baby Girl line, so I can help MS research. Next will be Jared Padalecki's To Write Love On Her Arms "Never Stop Fighting" campaign. I am doing a fundraiser for Leighton's Legion's search for a CF cure.

There is no greater love than helping those who need it. And, EVERYONE needs it. I live with a mental disorder, which is a blessing and curse, depending on the day. But, I treat it as if it is a miraculous blessing EVERY day and bring awareness and support to those people of the world who are living with their own illness or are supporting someone with one.

I love people. All of them. If you love people, too, please let me know what YOU'RE doing to love on this population. There just may be a giveaway to the story that hits me the most! You never know! I want to get to know all of you. I want to celebrate this mixed up, twisted, beautiful life and share it with all of you.

Sorry if I am rambling a bit. Sometimes the love I have is just overwhelming and I have to let you know. You ALL mean EVERYTHING to me and without you, none of us would be the same! Keep on keeping on and live your life out loud! I can't wait to read your stories! Keep making the world a better place! Email your stories to me at and don't forget to leave me your contact info so we can be friends!

Much Love!
Jessica Starwalt - Designer #12588973

Friday, March 6, 2015

Spring Is On It's Way!! March 10th!

Hello, beautiful people! It is quarter to 2:00am and I am about ready to hit the hay. But, before I do, I wanted to let you know that we got SO MUCH great news last night! Our Spring Launch was set for March 15th and they are moving it up to March 10th! How exciting! I cannot wait to get my new catalogs in the mail and I can't wait to see the complete, new spring line! You all will definitely want to book a party some time near Mother's Day! We have so many new products and charms coming out and a LOT of it would go PERFECTLY with an Easter outfit. Just saying! If anyone wants a catalog, please email me with your mailing address! I would love to send you one! (Only for USA and Canada, so far... Soon, the world! But, not yet... I'll keep you posted!)

We have 4 new products for In{script}ions and I have only gotten to see ONE of them, so when I get my catalogs, you can bet I will be talking all about the NEW STUFF!! I can't wait! What I have seen so far is BLOWING MY MIND! How many ways can you tell your amazing story? As many times as you can think of! I absolutely LOVE this company! Origami Owl is the perfect gift for ANYONE who has a favorite hobby, color, actor, movie, tv show or their very own story to share. I, personally, have all of those charms and I switch them out to fit my mood that day. You can, too! It goes with absolutely EVERYTHING. Check out my website! and look! New product will be showing on March 10th! I'm so excited!

Love what you see? Want some for FREE??! Email me! We can set you up to host a party and you can earn FREE jewelry and half off items!

LOVE IT ALL and can't decide, like me?? I can tell you just how amazing this company is and how it has drastically changed my life in the 8 months I have been selling it! It can change your life, as well! If you'd like to join, please ask questions in the comments or just email me! I'd love to hear from you, even if you don't want to join, I'd love to hear from you. I love people! I want to hear YOUR story. It could change someone's life, someday. You never know.

Talk to you all soon! I love you all!

Jessica Starwalt  (Designer ID #12588973)

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Opportunity Night! New Friends!

Opportunity Night is TOMORROW with the Sparkling Hooters! If you're in the USA or Canada, join us on a Spreecast session where Jill McCarthy (Jilleysue) will be taking the center stage and answering questions, dancing and you never know what kind of shenanigans will go on! She has super cute dogs, too! No obligation to join and from the comfort of your own home, come party in your PJ's with US as you learn more about the Origami Owl Opportunity! 

So much is coming up for Spring! This is the PERFECT month to join! If you are interested, jump on Facebook and friend me! I love new people! Let's chat and see if we would be a good fit for you and you would be a good fit for us as we show you how to make YOUR DREAMS a reality!

BE A DREAMER and then DO IT!


Talk to you all soon!

I can't wait to hear from you!

Jessica Starwalt

Friend me now, so I can invite you to the event! I'm so excited!

Monday, March 2, 2015


Are you a dreamer? Do you find yourself putting your dreams into motion, or WANTING to put your dreams into motion, but just don't know how? 

Do you want to be your own boss? Make your own schedule? Make extra money to send your kids to dance class or horseback riding lessons? I can help you!

With a lot of help from my wonderful upline, Jill McCarthy, (You may know her as JilleySue!) you can learn all about becoming a member our team and building a solid team of your own, making plenty of loving, long lasting relationships, motivation in your life and don't forget that MONEY! Sound great? I thought so.

We don't want sales people. We want "people" people with a drive and a story they want to share. The jewelry is so phenomenal that it really sells itself, however, YOU are what people are really investing in. So, if you are wanting to jump in and make a difference in the lives of others, in the lives of your family, in your own life and spread some love, I would love to have you on my team. (For now, it is only open to USA and Canada residents, but we are growing all the time! Stay patient! We want YOU, too, no matter where you are!) 

Our Opportunity night will be on March 4th, so if you want in on the call, to see Jill and let her answer your questions, dance like nobody is watching (because they aren't! Lol) and live out your dreams LIKE A BOSS, comment here with any questions or "I'm In" so I can connect with YOU on Facebook and we can get you in the event! 

I can't wait to see you all there!! 

Love Always,
Jessica Starwalt - #12588973

Just for Funsies!

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

The New Nest, Weather and In{script}ions!

Hello All!
It's a good morning, here in Missouri. It's cold, but not as cold as it has been, lately. We are supposed to get MORE snow... I'm NOT looking forward to that. I'm ready for flip flops and sundresses! But that's just me. If you LOVE winter, enjoy it. For now, I'm wrapped in TWO blankets! Haha.

Origami Owl is upgrading The Nest, which is the main HQ for the company. They have installed a slide and a bakery, so far! See... I love being a Designer, but I would LOVE to work at The Nest! It seems like such a fun place to be! If only I lived in Arizona...

This is the new slide with our own Bella and Chrissy Weems having a blast! 

Lately, the big news has been our In{script}ions collection. I am in LOVE with it! You tell YOUR story in YOUR words. How beautiful is that?!

And, I have a new Ali Locket! So, I will be taking a picture and posting about it and it's "partner" tomorrow! I'm so excited!

Well, I have to go! I will talk more later! I'm hoping to make another video today and I will talk about In{script}ions on there! 

Everyone live, laugh and love today!

Love you all!
Jessica Starwalt 

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Introducing MY YouTube Channel! HappyTimes Lockets! Subscribe!

I'm SO excited to start doing videos! Let me know what you think and share in my love affair with Origami Owl!

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

In{script}ions Launch TODAY!

I must admit, I didn't sleep well last night. I am just too darn excited about our In{script}ions launch today! Do you have an idea for YOUR first plate and locket base? Your story, Your script!

I sure do! I will post them as soon as I get them in my collection!

Today, I must be getting to more tax prep. That's not even as fun as it sounds, so don't get excited for me, yet. However, I do LOVE the fact that I get to write off a LOT of my expenses because I have a business! Mileage is a BIG one! 

Today, I am also going to pick out paint for my dining room. It's going to be a great day! (Pay Day on Friday means my new chandelier, too!) AND Friday is my local team's first ever meeting! I am very excited to meet with my Origami Owl family! We are going to show off our inspiration boards and I, for one, cannot WAIT!

I hope you all are having a wonderful day! If anyone would like to book a Jewelry Bar, ask a question or ask me about my career, feel free to leave me comments! I will answer them as soon as I see them!

Love you all!
Jessica Starwalt - Independent Designer #12588973

CLICK HERE! to order!

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Calling All Who Want To Do What I Do!

February is the month to sign up to be on the TEAM! Do it before the 28th and you and I BOTH will get $70 worth of LIMITED EDITION (so, collector pieces) Valentine's charms and a plate! This is a wonderful chance!! Hurry! Let's get you signed up before it's too late! 

Not to mention all of the EXCLUSIVE training you only get from being a part of my upline team, the Sparkling Hooters! We have our own Charm School, weekly webinars (Don't let me fool you. They are dance parties, mostly.) and no negativity zones! 

If you're afraid of Mean Girls syndrome, we are not infected. We are here for love, support and all the training we can get our hands on! I have met some life long friends, right here on the team! 

Come join us!

Jessica Starwalt - Independent Designer #12588973

ARE YOU READY FOR in{script}ions? I AM!

We are getting ready to launch our NEW in{script}ions line of plates and locket bases! So, not only can you customize this gorgeous jewelry with charms and pre-made plates with words and such, you can go the extra mile and get your pieces ENGRAVED! 

I am so excited that I have an entire little notebook dedicated to all of the pieces I want to order, just for myself! 

Also, don't forget, with wedding season, graduation and Mother's Day, I am taking appointments, locally AND online, to help YOU design the PERFECT jewelry for the beautiful people in your life.

Right now, I'm working on designing the perfect key chain for a very manly man... Wish me luck! :)

Jessica Starwalt - Independent Designer #12588973

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

February Is THE Month To Join!

I don't even know if I should be posting this here or not, but I cannot help it. I love this company SO much and I know you will, too! I know you have all heard of Bella Weems, who is the Founder of Origami Owl, well this is Chrissy, her mom and Co-Founder. 

This video was made for Designers. However, I think once you get the feel of the company through this video, you will understand that without the LOVE, it would just be jewelry.

I am SO glad that it is so much more than JUST jewelry! Enjoy and let me know what you think! I would love to chat with you all in the comments! 

You can also view the video HERE!

If you are interested in joining my team and you are in the United States, please comment or email me for more team info! (Just fyi, we have one of the best teams in the country, if I do say so, myself!) #SparklingHooters #CharmedAndDangerous all the way!

Talk Soon!

Jessica Starwalt - ID #12588973

O Canada! I Can't Wait To Meet You All!

There are SO MANY things to talk about! However, this entry will be for all my Canadians and those who may know them! 

Here's the rub, Origami Owl has just opened up their wait list, in Canada, that will go active in MARCH, for people who may want to join the Origami Owl family and become designers! How exciting is that?! 

If you are someone in Canada, looking for lifelong friends, no negativity zones and extra cash in your pocket, please feel free to go to: to join the wait list! The first 750 will receive EXTRA jewelry in their start up kit!

We have been waiting a long time for our neighbors to be able to join us! We are overjoyed! Now, join the wait list, so you can be one of the first Designers in your entire COUNTRY! Now that's HAPPY!

Hurry! Don't wait!

If you would like to sign on under me, and be a part of a team with specialized training, Opportunity Nights, Charm School and so much more, my ID is #12588973, if you need it! 
I can't wait to meet you!!

Much Love and Warm Wishes!
Jessica Starwalt

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

My Ali Locket

This is my favorite of all of my lockets... This is just a piece of my story, however so near and dear to my heart, but I am going to share it with you, today.

When I was 15, I fell in love with a boy named Wesley. He was funny and sweet, sports crazy... Well, I knew he was "the one", so things happened and then he ended the relationship to date someone else. My first heartbreak. I was crushed. There are days when I am still crushed, but that's only because a part of me lives on. Just a little while after he broke up with me, about 6 weeks, I had a miscarriage. And, to tell you the truth, I didn't know, fully what was going on at the time and I wish I would have. 

If I had known, I would have told someone and gone to a hospital. But, I didn't. It was just me. 

Fast forward 13 years later, I am sitting in a therapist's office, explaining all of this to her and she suggests I give my child a sex and a name. She thought maybe that would bring closure and I could grieve in a healthy way. Well, when he and I were so young, we talked about everything, including what we would name our kids... I named her Allison. I call her Ali. To me, she is the wind, the birds, the clouds, but more than that, she is a butterfly, flitting from one flower to the next.

She is long gone, but never forgotten. That is just one of the many reasons I love Origami Owl. It reminds us all that we are human and we have made mistakes and gone down the wrong path... But sometimes we are blessed beyond measure. Now, I carry Ali with me, as I did for that brief time when I was just a child, myself. But, this time, I do it proudly and I can't wait to meet her some day.

But, for now, I think I'll just go sit and wait for the butterflies to make their appearance. 

It may be a personal story, but Origami Owl can bring that out of you. Or, you know... it can just match your outfit for that day. Lol.

LOVE Origami Owl! 

By the way, that is the "I love you to the moon and back plate on the back and the pregnancy and infant loss ribbon, in case you were curious!

Love you all!
Jessica Starwalt, Origami Owl Independent Designer #12588973

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Happy Times Office!

Hello, All!
             I just got internet in my house and my office line is set up! I am so excited! I am finally in business and loving being able to sit and look out the window as I work! I will have to post pictures soon! I will after I paint! 

            We closed on our house two days ago and it has been a WHIRLWIND! We moved everything and I organized everything (Still in boxes. Lol.) within 24 hours of the closing! I was so proud of myself! Now, I just need to paint some accent walls and buy a few more decorative pieces before I do pictures. 

            So, the guy who came to set up the internet and phone took a Take Out Menu (what we call our catalogs!) for his daughter. I though that was pretty great! My new neighbor has a daughter who is getting married and she wants to check out the bridal line! I'm so excited!

          Beside the fact that my dog got out today and I had to run around my neighborhood in my pajamas and slippers, so now everyone probably knows I'm crazy now! How's THAT for a first impression?! Only the best from me!

           Okay! Love you all, but I've got to go! My hubby is home and we're ready to eat dinner. I know, it's late. But, he works late! Don't judge me. Lol.

                                                      Always, Jessica

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Introducing In{script}ions!

Introducing In{script}ions!

I am so excited about the NEW In{script}ion Collection! Your life, your story, your script is what we are providing to each and every one of you! Back plates and locket bases that are personalized with what YOU want to say. You have different fonts to choose from on plates and it is all going to be up to YOU! I will tell you more about this as soon as I know! All I DO know is that it is going to start on February 17th. Just in time for Graduation and Mother's Day, you can give a gift that has ALWAYS been directly from the heart, but now you can actually SAY what you want to say.

I think this is amazing! How much would you love a proposal locket?! How about telling the new mom in your life how much you love her and how happy you are for her new bundle of joy? What about the mother you have always known, who has taken care of you and now you can capture a memory just for her and give it back to her. Imagine the smile on her face and the sparkle in her eye. That is what Origami Owl is all about. THAT is the reason I'm here, on this Earth. I was put here to help people and put a smile on faces of all shapes, colors, condition and age. Origami Owl spreads LOVE and, as the Beatles have been known to say.... "Love is all you need." 

Bless you all! I can't wait for this to be released! 

What would your plate say?! Comment below and don't forget to share this post wherever you may find it! Thank you so much for showing me how much you love me! I love you all, too!

Jessica Starwalt

If you are looking for the perfect Valentine's Day gift for your Love, please visit: and and like me!  

Monday, January 5, 2015

Uniquely YOU!

Hello You!

Do you know that, like a snowflake or a fingerprint, you are unlike anyone else?  You have been given a mission and gifts in the life you live that are unique only to YOU. 

I am.... strange. And, isn't that a beautiful thing?! I have a disorder that most people don't have that allows me to understand and be empathetic to those who feel like misfits. I am thankful for that. I feel like I was not born to fit in. I was born to stand out, just like every other misfit!  For a long time, I looked at it as a bad thing. Now, I see it is a blessing in disguise. 

My "difference" allows me to think differently and to see everything from separate perspectives. It allows me to keep my mind wide open. It allows me to write books and create characters. It allows me to draw, when I didn't know I could. It lets me help and protect other people who feel like they are without a voice, or who have one but are too afraid to use it. 

I know my mission in life is to be an advocate for mental illness/health. It is my job to help with abused children and broken adults. That is part of my story.

What is your story? Do you know your mission? Your life is not for you. It is for others. You are here for others and other people are here for you. God gave us all different talents and desires in order to be a light in this ever darkening world.

What can YOU do to help others today? Better question... What are you WILLING to do? You can't just want to help, you have to take action. Even if it's to send a letter to someone telling them you're thinking about them or asking how someone's day is going and REALLY listening to them. 

Be the you that you were born to be. Live and own YOUR story because only you can. Your flaws, mistakes, problems, diagnoses, disorders, fears, anxiety, faults, failures, brokenness and guilt are all part of your story. OWN THEM. If you can find it in your heart to own them, you can turn those things into love, compassion, hope, fearlessness, triumph, victory, satisfaction and joy in yourself and others. Own your story. It's the only thing you have that NOBODY can take away. It is all yours and it's beautiful, no matter how many "failures" are revealed inside. 

After all, Failure is a PART of success. You just have to keep getting up and learning to love your unique experience and sharing it with others. 

Live. Learn. Love. In that order.

I love you all because I have a journey where I have fallen down and gotten back up.

I would love to hear about your story. Please email me with your triumphant victory or how you plan to be triumphant in your journey and I will share mine with you.

If you know someone who needs to know they matter and their story is important, feel free to tag them however you can and share this with them.

Life is fleeting. Make a difference.

Jessica Starwalt

Friday, January 2, 2015

Hostess Exclusive and Internet High Five (Available for a limited time!)

I am so excited to show off the January through March Hostess Exclusive! So many ways to make a statement with this exclusive pack! 

Host a jewelry bar with me and earn this for a discounted price or maybe for FREE!! 

Email me at to chat if you have any questions or message me on Facebook! Like and share the page for extra brownie points AND an internet high five!

WARNING! Do not touch hand until you have liked and shared 
This is the honor system. Please do not abuse it. ;)