Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Valentine's Greetings!


I am TOO EXCITED about our new product reveal, so far! Last night, the beautiful Chrissy Weems (co-Founder) showed us a lot of new product coming available for purchase in early January! I cannot get over the little Message In A Bottle charm! How cute! Men, if you need some ideas on what to get your girl for Valentine's Day, please message me! Don't get her something that means nothing AGAIN this year. Get her something that speaks to her heart about your story, no matter if it's the beginning or middle of your tale. 

There will also be a plate that will fit in the regular sized large Heart Living Locket that says "I Kind Of Like you A Lot" and you can pair that perfectly with the new Do You Like Me? Yes or No note charm! How adorable!

Also, a new medium sized Heart Living Locket will be available, so you and your little one can be twins! 

Spread the love this year!

www.jstarwalt.origamiowl.com to order! Available January 7th, I am hearing!

If you would like a new Valentine's catalog or one of our "Take Out Menus" for this season, please email (below) with your address and I will get them out ASAP!

Love Always,
Jessica Starwalt - 12588973

If you're considering joining my team, which you should. I am looking for TWO optimistic, people service oriented people to come aboard! If you are that person, please email me at jessica.starwalt@yahoo.com! I look forward to hearing from you!

Sunday, December 28, 2014

Happy Times

Some people think that a work from home, direct sales 
careers are "easy". Those people are insane.

The average adult person spends 40-50 hours at a "job" they HATE. I can honestly say, I work my business wherever I am, whoever I'm with, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and I LOVE it.

Origami Owl allows me to help other people to tell a story. Whether it's their story, a story that means a lot to them or someone they love or something that is completely fictional! I can help people realize who they want to be and help them plan to be that person. 

Now, is all of that in my job description? No. I sell Origami Owl and help to inspire people to be their best. The rest of it is just my passion. I believe all people have a purpose in life and that purpose is found through their God given passions and talents.

It is my job to talk to people and LISTEN to who they are, where they are in life, who and where they want to be in their life. 

To me, THAT is what Origami Owl is all about. To me, it's not just jewelry. To me, it's God's greatest gift.... People. And, God's greatest to people? Well, that would be their journey in this life.

I don't even know what I would call myself. But, for now, I'll just say my title is "Happy". 

I talked to my husband, and as we are getting ready to close on our house in about 2-3 weeks, I am excited to say that we are thinking about starting the research so that we can possibly start a not for profit in order to set up a hotline for those in crisis. Domestic violence, mental health issues, that sort of thing. I just want to help people. 

But, don't you worry! I have plans to stay with Origami Owl as long as I can! I love the jewelry and the fact that it touches EVERYONE. Because THAT is who I want to help. 

Keep your chin up! It's almost 2015!



Sunday, December 21, 2014

Be You! You Are Wonderful!

Do you know what you're worth? You are absolutely worth EVERYTHING. You have special gifts nobody else has. You have talents that could be used for good! You could help other people, no matter who you are, what you have been through or where you're from. 

If YOU make a plan, YOU can take action and YOU can live your dreams! 

Don't give up and you can be your own boss, live your life the way YOU want, make the connections and money you want! Just keep it up!  

People think that they are stuck in their lives, being what the world wants them to be and doing what the world wants them to do. But, I'm telling you right now that if you just be uniquely YOU, work hard and develop your skills, you will be unstoppable in your business, personal life and be HAPPY!

Just be you!

Love you all!

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

That Will Make Me A Success

This week, I have realized the real power of social media! 

I have been following the direction of my beautiful, wonderful mentor, Jill "Jilleysue" McCarthy and it has really been paying off on my Instagram, Twitter and Facebook! I am making so many connections and friendships through my different blogs and I am so glad I am able to spread joy, peace and love... But, especially peace, love and understanding for those with mental illness, like I have. 

I started my Dissociative Identity Disorder blog before I started selling Origami Owl. As a matter of fact, my business started because of the Childhelp organization Origami Owl has paired with. It helps children in child abuse situations and, since my "DID" is a direct result of trauma in my own childhood, I knew this was the company for me. Boy, was I right! The gorgeous jewelry is just a HUGE PERK! I have never loved a company more. 

Now, with my amazing mentor and the gift I have been given in order to survive my past, I am able to share my story and help those with stories similar to mine. I just love people and some day, I know I am going to change this world for the better and I will try to do that very thing EVERY day. 

At this point, I am in the process of writing a book of a series of letters to "misfits" to give them hope and peace, as I have never felt as if I have fit into the crowd. It will also include some of my case file. I'm hoping I can do it justice. I have an amazing story that could help so many. That's all I really want to do. That's what will make me a success. :)

Talk to you all soon!

Jessica Starwalt


Sunday, December 14, 2014

Touch Someone's Life, Wear Origami Owl

I love the feeling when I am able to touch someone's life. I love when people share their stories with me. I feel truly blessed to have the "disability" that I have, so that I can help relate to others' struggles and constant battles. Origami Owl gives me the way to meet other people and network. It also gives me a way to tell my story and hear the stories of others. It gives me a way to reach out to the lives of everyone around me. It is truly a blessing. The beautiful jewelry is just a perk! Being able to wear your story, so you can touch the lives of others' is priceless.

Love you all!

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Really Live!

When you are living your life to the fullest, you are LOVING your life. 

Are you loving the people who love you? Are you doing your very best at a job you love? Are you happy about your house and friendly with your neighbors? Are you active when you have down time? Do you participate in activities outside of your home and work? If not, you are not living to the fullest. 

Of course, all situations are different and you may not be able to do all of that and still live to the fullest. It's a frame of mind, honestly.

Are you stuck in a job you hate with people who don't respect you? Are you looking forward to lunch before you even GET to work? That is NOT living life to the fullest. 

If you don't really live, you won't love your life. If you don't love your life, YOU are the only one who can change it! 

I know many people feel stuck. You are not stuck. Pick yourself up, forget about yesterday, don't worry about tomorrow and really live and love TODAY. 

Just a thought!

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Fountain or Drain?

Are you a fountain or a drain? Positive or negative? 

Have you ever had a friend that you love dearly, but hate to see coming a lot of times because they are a "Debbie Downer"? They seem to leave you feeling less than when they showed up. Those people are a drain on other people. It doesn't mean they are bad people. They just see things negatively. 

Then, do you have that friend that brings you light and hope. This person motivates you to be the best person you can be. This person is a fountain. They see things positively and they sow positive vibes to everyone else.

Do you want to be a fountain or a drain? Sometimes it is very hard to change the way you think because you may have fallen on hard times. (We all do!) Sometimes you feel hopeless. Do you know what you need to do? Find a fountain! Rely on that fountain to help get you motivated and back on your feet! 

The best part about a fountain is that even when they have their bad days, they tend to still pour love onto the people who need it.

If you're a drain, change your heart and count your blessings before your hardships. If you're a fountain, constantly keep your eyes open for those who may need you for inspiration and hope.

Most of all, love yourself. You are wonderful. You just have to keep your priorities straight. God may be blessing you in ways you never even thought of. 

And, always know I love you! I like to think I'm a fountain. If anyone needs to talk to me, email me! jessica.starwalt@yahoo.com and I would be happy to talk to anyone!

Got problems? Lay them on me!

Much love!

Sunday, December 7, 2014

Be Brave!

Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for Jehovah, your God, goes with you; He will never leave you nor forsake you.

I am a follower of Christ. I don't like to use the word "Christian" because I don't really like labels. This is a great verse for me. I do have an anxiety disorder, among other things we have discussed in the past. I do worry. I fret over nearly everything and I wish I didn't. 

But, Origami Owl has brought me out of that a lot! Now, I know I have a reason to talk to EVERYONE and I have the feelings that I am not alone in this world and that not all people are "bad". In fact, it has shown me that there is more "good" in the world than I ever thought before. 

It has given me the opportunity to restore my faith in humanity.

I now have an opportunity for people to love it, buy it, sell it, tell their story, help someone else tell THEIR story, touch someone's heart, honor someone, encourage someone and so much more. You get to name the story on your heart and whether you put together a shameless self-indulgence locket, like my Pretty Little Liars locket or your favorite fairy tale, like my Alice in Wonderland locket, or your goals and dreams, like my house, garden, health locket, you get to express what's on your heart THAT DAY. You can change it out all the time, because we are constantly changing. We are all different and we are all beautiful.

It has taught me that you can live with courage, even with anxiety disorder. Courage is being brave, even when you're afraid. THAT is what Origami Owl has given me. Not only has it helped my financial situation, it has given me a freedom and has helped my mental health in a way nothing else could.

So, are there times when you worry? Are you afraid? Be brave. You can do it. Live a life of freedom and try to stay positive. Maybe try something new. Maybe take a risk. Just do something to make your day AND someone else's day better. You will be glad you did. Because, it meant you really LIVED today.

Live out loud!

Jessica <3

Grey Skies Today

Today, my heart is sad. I'm not exactly sure why. I think I'm just a little stressed. It should be a GOOD stress, but with me, stress is stress. Lol. 

So, today, I am letting my dogs comfort me and I am making lists and checking them twice, trying to figure out how to make Christmas FEEL like Christmas AND try to buy a house. Hahaha. We won't close until after the first of the year, so during Christmas this year, it will be the FUN part.... Inspections and appraisals. Merry Christmas! Hahaha. 

Now I can't wait until next year!! It will be a Happy Valentine's Day this year, though!

Well, I have to go make some more graphics! I love you all! Remember to buy your beautiful woman something sparkly for Christmas! www.jstarwalt.origamiowl.com


Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Believe In Your Future!

Sometimes your plan isn't exactly what you're supposed to do. You have to believe that things DO happen for a reason. Sometimes we are put onto a different path because we are MADE to accomplish MORE than most people can dream. 

Very few of us will live up to our potential. Very few of us will succeed in our dreams because we don't give it everything we've got. We don't buy into our dreams. We only think we are meant to go to work everyday and come home and maybe have a drink and then go to bed, looking forward to sleeping in on the weekends.

Friends, this is NOT what we are made for. We are made to really LIVE. We are made to have connections with people and have FUN! We are made to give thanks for the blessings we have been given and give glory to our Creator. We are made to love and be loved. 

So, believe in your future. Love everyone. Be happy with your blessings and if you only remember one thing, make it this.... Believe in yourself because YOU are made for greatness.


Monday, December 1, 2014

Wake Up On Purpose!

As I stood and looked in the mirror this morning, I realized that most days I get up, drink coffee, write and maintain my online relationships. I don't get dressed in clothes I would leave the house wearing. 

I realized I need to start dressing the part, if I'm going to be successful. I need to get out of the house and see people and smile at people and get to know people, in a real setting. The internet is WONDERFUL, but I fear it has taken over for real relationships in my life. 

I do have an anxiety disorder, which is a bother. But, I can get through anything if I try. I need to get myself into the mindset that no matter what happens, I can control ME and that is enough. 

I know I need to invest in myself, so I started reading books that will make me more valuable, with more knowledge; skill sets. I feel really good about where my life is right now and I can't wait to see what is in store for the future! How exciting. 

So, tomorrow, I'm going to get dressed and wake up on purpose. I might even leave the house! (Who knows!)

Love Always,

Sunday, November 30, 2014

I Can and I Will

Last night was sort of hard for me. I am only human and I suppose that IS my saving grace, but I started to doubt myself as a leader, as a friend. Sometimes my mind overreacts (Just ask my husband, he'll tell you. Haha.) and I just question every decision I've ever made and it makes me sad and upset and now, I'm over it. 

It's a BRAND NEW DAY and my team is wonderful, my family is coming home from vacation today and my dog loves me! I have an absolutely wonderful husband who adores me and I have a young, thriving (for a young) business! 

I guess what I'm saying is... There is no room for fear. There is no room for doubt. If we all just try our best to stay in motion, going forward, we CAN be successful. And, I'm telling you right now, I WILL. I may fail along the way, but that's just part of the process. 

So, to other leaders of teams.... Read a book that will help you understand other personalities. I suggest First Steps to Wealth by Dani Johnson; everyone should actually read it! Think about the positive ways you can impact your team and NEVER STOP TRYING.

To the teams... Do your very best, as if your future wealth depends on it because it very well may! Never waste an opportunity to gather with your team, however they do it and communicate, be encouraged and never feel silly for asking a question! 

Love you all!
Jessica Starwalt

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Are You A Success?

We have talked about success before. Do you consider yourself a success, a failure or somewhere in between?

Well, let me tell you that if you know you are not a failure, then you are somewhere in between. Success take work, time and each and every one of us is ALWAYS under construction. Success INCLUDES failure. You have to be willing to fail in order to succeed. It's all about how you deal with each failure, depending on which way you will go; success or failure. 

So, this is your chance. If you have failed, GET UP! Admit failure, but NEVER defeat. Keep going. If you have an idea, write it down. Then, think about it. Revise your plan. Then, revise again. Try it. Then, revise again. Fail. REPEAT. Once you find the right timing, prototype, schedule, people, finances (whatever is holding you back!), then you will succeed at that idea!

The best part? NEVER STOP! Once you have mastered your idea, think of another and build onto it. Never just settle for being "good" at something because someone else will always be right behind you and if you stop, they won't. 

So, get up. Get a notebook and write. That's your first step: write, write and write some more. Draw it out. Start an inspiration board. 

Most importantly, when you feel like it's overwhelming you, sit down, take a breath, have a cup of coffee (with your favorite creamer! Currently, mine is White Chocolate Raspberry!). Then, write down all the things that made you start loving your idea in the first place. Look at your inspiration board and you could even change some of your board. Never stop changing, but always go for your dreams. 

It's your choice.... Success or failure?

Love you all!

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Basket of Happy!

Hello all and good morning, BARELY! 20 minutes to go! I just woke up because I spent so much time last night, worrying over my husband's interview today AND watching a city about 30 miles away, burn itself down. How terrible. I must admit, the way that my brain works, all I could think of were jokes about it because that is how I cope. You all know about the disorder, or whatever, and my brain just has dealt with so much bad in my life that now when something bad is happening, it doesn't feel real and it feels like I'm making fun of a movie. It's awful. It didn't even hit me that this was real until they said someone had been shot. 

My husband was even up there. It just didn't seem real. I must be terrible. Anyway, I'll be honest here, because I hope you all forgive me. I was trying to act in love, but I was also medicated and a lot of things seemed funny. Anyway, I feel bad for all the business owners and feel like in all of this mess, we have forgotten the original issues. And that makes me sad. Many have ruined Mike Brown's name and legacy. So sad today.

Anyway, that's all about that! 

I sent out a LOT of HAPPY today! Want to see? I spent time doing this last night as I watched Ferguson burn down and eating pork rinds, of ALL things. I didn't even know I LIKED pork rinds. Apparently, I am very stressed about something. I still don't know if I like them. Lol.

Here is a basket of happy last night! 

And here it is, just waiting for the mailman! I'm so excited!

Find my fanpage on Facebook! https://www.facebook.com/jstarwaltOO 

Like it and stay tuned to find out how to shop my Small Business Saturday SALE!

Love you all! Sorry for my defense and coping mechanisms, Ferguson!


Sunday, November 23, 2014

Leighton's Legion Lockets Came In!

Leighton's Legion locket came in!

Our Leighton's Legion Fundraiser lockets came in yesterday! This one is my mom's and it has the Medium Silver Classic Locket with Dangle Bracelet in silver, Faith plate and Purple Ribbon, "L" and starfish; simple and sweet!

Mine is a Large Black Base with Black Face with Black Crystals, that I paired with a silver Milti-Layer Chain, Faith plate in Large and  same charms. It's lovely and beautiful, just like Leighton.

If you want to know more about Leighton's story, please go to our event! https://www.facebook.com/events/589867141120042/?ref_dashboard_filter=upcoming

If you'd like to help raise funds for this special cause, please shop from this link! 

Thank you so much for allowing me to help you all! #HelpCureCF #LeightonsLegion #LoveLeighton #origamiowl #nowthatshappy #CharmedAndDangerous #SparklingHooters 

More Later! :)

Friday, November 21, 2014

Robin Hood, The Disney Version!

Today, I am snuggled on my parents' couch with my dogs, a cold, my laptop, a cup of coffee and a box of Kleenex. Robin Hood, the best version (the Disney version) is on the television.

I have decided today I will make contacts to at least three people I haven't talked to in a month AND I will make my own, original graphics. Goodness knows, I have so many sayings I could put on a graphic. Haha. (They may not all make sense, but that may be just me! Lol)

I am getting ready to write on all of my blogs today, as I do have more than one and I do SO love to write. I am working on my novel and my "Letters to Misfits" book.

My life is pretty great right now. I am in LOVE with my job. (Thank you, Origami Owl!) I am in LOVE with my husband and we are looking at houses to buy! Life is looking pretty positive right now and it feels so great not to have to go back to California!

I am absolutely so excited to know that, since I lost my insurance from my husband getting out of the military, that I can obtain insurance though Origami Owl! How amazing is that?!

So, I have a lot to do, but it seems to be all good things, including mailing out the things I have set aside for customers and gifts to prize winners! How exciting!

Okay! I have to go for now, but I may be back later! You never know about me!

Here's my newest graphic!

Talk Later!!


Thursday, November 20, 2014


Good morning!

Today, I am up early, with Kleenex in hand, as I think I have the plague. Sneezing, coughing, runny nose, everything is draining.... I know. Too much information, right? I wish I didn't even know it. Sorry about that. However, that is why I'm up early!

That, AND Origami Owl is doing a CUSTOMER PROMOTION! For every $59.99 you spend in the next 2 days, you get a Gift of Gratitude! Check this out!

Plague or not, I HAD to let you all know!


Much Love,

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

It's Been So LONG!

Hello Hello!!

It has been the LONGEST month or so! We have moved back home to Missouri, from California and my husband is on what they call "Terminal Leave" from the military. It's been a week and he is going stir crazy. He has been on call for 24 hours a day for 5 years, so not having anything to do is driving him crazy and I don't blame him.

Next week is Thanksgiving and BLACK FRIDAY! Yes! My favorite holiday! The only thing I will be buying this year is a set of sheets, though, so we can save money for buying a house!

I am happy to say that I have gotten back into writing and listening to what my soul needs and wants, which is to help people!

Things have been just so busy, but that's okay! I am determined to get my 4 in home Jewelry Bars booked and completed before the end of the month or I have to KISS A BUNNY!

Now, you need to understand my fear of all things that hop... So sinister and unpredictable. I just barely got out of them making me kiss a frog! (Dodged THAT bullet!) The deal is that if they do the goals I have given THEM, and I don't get the Jewelry Bars booked, Each one that did their's get the video of me kissing this terrible creature.

So...... I am looking for 4 special people who want to earn some FREE jewelry! Haha.

Anyway, I guess I'll stop now. I am talking to a dear friend, Kris and my husband is hungry. (And my coffee is cold! Ahh!)

Life, right?!

Love you all!!

Saturday, October 11, 2014

What If vs What's Next

So, last night, I got a nifty email from The Nest, saying that they are changing up our websites! I believe the new fun stuff will be happening and shown sometime on Monday! How exciting is that? 

I cannot wait to move in 27 days! 

Today, I am going to do my first Spreecast with my team! So, that's exciting, too! I have so much going on in my life in my head that I am overflowing with excitement, which, also translates to STRESS for me, but it's a good stress, yet stress, nevertheless! 

I have so much coming up with my team, Charmed & Dangerous, at the end of November! Nothing like jumping in with both feet, at a run! I love it!

I hope you are busy, too! It keeps the "unknown" scariness away! You don't have any "what if" if you are full of "what's next?"

Talk later!!

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

October Rush!

Today, I have so much going on in my mind and it's all good! My husband just put our 30 days notice in for releasing our house, since he's getting out of the Marine Corps, so we have our inspection dates and check out times... I have jewelry bars going and I have the best team in the world!

So, this month will be us running around, trying to pack and clean and get a truck reserved for moving and drive across the country and then I get to love on my team from home in Missouri!

I know this one isn't very long, but we are booked with all good things! Catch you on the flip side! Oh yeah, our Holiday Line comes out on October 16th!
                                                                                                  <3 Jessica

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Someone Needs Me

God put me on this earth to help those who need it. Tomorrow, I will be out of the office, taking a personal day and celebrating life with those around me. If you need me, you may absolutely message me, but I may not get in touch with you until Monday! I love you all! Have a great Sunday! You are more than welcomed to play the games posted and place lots of orders on any of the parties! 
(I will not be offended! Lol.)

                                         <3 Jessica

Thursday, October 2, 2014

What Speaks To Your Soul?

It's important to give yourself time to do the things that speak to your soul. What speaks to you on that level? 

Recently, I have been talking a lot to a friend who wants to join my Origami Owl team and we talk about all kinds of things, all the time. She has HORSES! I cannot wait to get there so I can get to know her's and be able to get back in the saddle. 

When I was a kid, I grew up with horses. My horse's name was Ginger and it got to the point in about 8th grade that I could even ride her bareback. Riding a horse speaks to my soul. It's true freedom and happiness. The smell of hay, sweet grain and leather is the best smell in the world. Even better? Mix that with rain and the sound of it hitting a tin roof.

I cannot wait to get back so that I can be all of me again. I can't wait to get back to the me I was before I was everyone else. 

If you don't understand what I mean by that, read more of my blog.

Since childhood, the only thing that speaks to my soul, truly, is business and helping other people. I guess that's why Origami Owl spoke so enchantingly to me. I truly love them and everything they represent. 

I will post pictures as soon as I can, of me and my friend Amber riding. I can't wait for that rush again. That's true freedom.

<3 Jessica 

Monday, September 29, 2014

Sunday, September 28, 2014

Alice in Wonderland

For those of you who don't know me, or don't know me well, I LOVE Alice in Wonderland. I love the quotes and the confusion and the curiosity and the abnormal being normal and the fact that we're all a little mad sometimes. As I have said before, my husband and I are leaving the military lifestyle and are hoping to buy this beautiful house in a small town in Missouri.

It has TWO balconies, columns in the front, a weeping willow tree and a Bradford Pear tree in the front yard and a big back yard with shed and it's fenced in.... 

And, I must say... I am planning on having Mad Hatter style tea parties under the branches of that willow. And I plan to set an easel on the balcony that overlooks our front yard and paint until my heart is content. My Origami Owl office will be downstairs, white, grey and teal with pops of pink and yellow.

It has it's own dining room, so I can make meals for the people I love and have them over for fancy (and not so fancy) memory making nights. 

I will have a therapy room that is Alice themed and all the misfits I gather in my life can come there on certain days and we can have group therapy. I want tiny doors on the walls like we feel like giants and I want a giant door somewhere where we feel so small. 

In this life, if I have learned anything, it's that we're all people and we're all worth getting to know. We all have scars and we can all be healed if we just work together, instead of shutting each other out. 

So, if you're ever near and need to feel a little bigger, come see me as soon as I get my house. I will welcome you because I know what's it's like to feel a bit small. I think we all do.

And now, I'm off to design my Alice in Wonderland locket for our vendor event on October 1st.

Lots of love!
                                                           <3 Jessica

Saturday, September 27, 2014

A Revolution For Good!

This is our Force For Good charm for Designers. Origami Owl strives for it's Designers and all of it's employees to be a "Force For Good".

The world is a mess. Who knows what's going on and what's going to happen? Nobody, except me. I know that no matter what happens, I am going to strive to be a force for good. I am going to smile at strangers and I'm going to give people genuine compliments. I am going to pay for someone's coffee and I'm going to have a good time with my fellow man. 

Do you know why? Because, the world is a mess and hope is being lost in humanity. With all of the bad, I believe there is still good in this world and I am going to shine my light wherever I can.

I implore you to do the same. God has created this beautiful world in order for us to enjoy it and other man in order to take care of it and praise His name. 

So, let's start a revolution in this world! Let's create a goal to be a force for good and lift up the lives of others. Sadly, that's the only way some of us are going to get through it. 

Does anyone have any prayer requests I can be praying for? Please let me know. If you just need to talk, I'm always here! 

                                                           <3 Jessica

Bunco Night at the Officer's Club!

We had so much fun with Bunco Night and the Officer's Club!

This is me having fun with Olive as we were getting ready to leave for the awesome night it turned out being! I had never played Bunco before, in my life, but it was so much fun!

It turns out I am exactly average, so I didn't win anything. But, that's generally how it works for me. Won 9 games, Lost 9 games. LAME! Anyway, I had a great time and I can't wait for the next night! 

I also had the privilege of donating a necklace and bust, for one of the raffle prices. It was a wonderful time and I met a lot of people and got to spread the love of Origami Owl! (I gave out some cards, too!)  

A big thank you to Allison Hall of the Officer Spouse's Club for giving me the opportunity to help make someone very happy!

I love Origami Owl!!

Thursday, September 25, 2014

A Little About the **ME** Of It All.

So, you probably don't know much, if anything about me. One fun fact is that I have an addiction.... Success. It doesn't even have to be my own success! I push those around me to be better, stronger and happier. I push myself to be the best human I can be. I love people. Everyone deserves to be a success! I have so many goals for myself and I strive to reach them every day. 
Though, this year has been hard for me. I have been diagnosed with a wonderful gift and it has left me in a beautiful place where I have gotten to know myself. I'm still getting to know myself, every day. 
I have been writing more and I have an idea for a book I have brought forward and started to bring to fruition. And, I have started this amazing Origami Owl journey. 
Before, I felt like people hated me, for some reason. I stayed away from talking to people and I didn't want anyone to recognize me. But, since I started Origami Owl and joined the Sparkling Hooters with Jill McCarthy, she has really brought a light to my life. She is real and heartfelt and she is the best leader I have ever known. She pushes me on days when I don't want to do anything because I want to be like her. I want to be as independent, loving and caring as she is.
With that, came my own team that I started with my mentor, Paige Butler. We are called Charmed and Dangerous, which is so funny because we all pretty much stumble over our words and are so real that "charmed" is hilarious to think about and so is "dangerous", as a matter of fact. But we liked the pun. So, that's who we are. We are a force for good and I hope I can be the same great type of leader that Jill is, for I am learning from her, daily, from across the country. She is a blessing and so is this company, which encourages people to tell their story. 

We all have a story. We all have a goal. Don't be quiet. Shout it from the rooftops! You are powerful. YOU can change someone's life and you may not even know it. Be uniquely you. No regrets.

Here is the locket that represents MY story. Enjoy.
Jessica <3

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Holiday Sneak Peek


Good Morning!

Hello everyone. It is a brand new day and I just took my husband to a class he has to attend in order to get out of the Marine Corps.
Then, I bought some coffee creamer, took the trash to the curb and ran inside so I could start my day right... By relaxing and centering myself and having a nice cup of coffee. I'm listening to "Rain on a Canvas Tent" on YouTube and it is AWESOME. With all of my anxieties and fears (We will get more into that, later.) I have found that it is the only thing I can listen to that REALLY calms me down and brings me back to where I need to be. 

Today, I am thankful to God that He has given me everything I have, including my "illness" and all of my blessings, because honestly, they are all blessings, even if in disguise.

I am preparing to take the Officer's Spouses Club my Origami Owl donation. I hope they all love it! It seems like this month, I won't reach my own, personal goal because I have been so busy helping the team. And, I love that. I have two baby owls under me and I am loving coaching them and seeing and feeling their excitement.

It is a beautiful process to be a part of and I feel truly blessed. 

What are you doing today?


Monday, September 22, 2014

Hoot Hoot!

Look what I just got!! Hoot Hoot!

Click here to order your own!

Thank you, Girly Momma Designs!


Out your friends! 1 POINT for each friend's name!

Comment with your friend's name and which 
category they fit under for 1 POINT EACH!


***40 points***


Only full sentences are counted as qualifying comments!

If you could have your DREAM LIFE, what would it look like?
Keep answering! I will let you know when the game is over! It could be an hour from now and it could be tomorrow! 
You never know with me!

Celebrate Life

This locket speaks to my heart.

In the year 2000, when I was barely 16, I had a miscarriage. 
For 13 years, I didn't tell many people, but once I met a dear friend, who was going through the same ordeal at the time and was going through some therapy to help her cope and every day I am thankful for that friend. She showed me the way to help my heart heal. With her twins she lost, they encouraged her to give them names and celebrate the people they were before they were taken.

My daughter, I named Alison, or Ali. I cannot wait to meet her, someday and hold onto my beautiful baby girl.

Now Origami Owl has made a brand new charm for those who have loved and lost their own.

If you are dealing with a loss, no matter how long ago, know that your lovely little one deserves to be celebrated.

I know I celebrate Ali every day.

Lots of LOVE!